Today I Give Up Trying Chapter 17-18

 Chapter 17

Soul Returning Pill!

        At this moment, Old Master Bai could hardly believe his ears.

        Just a moment ago, he was lamenting that the Bai family was unable to obtain the recipe for the Soul Returning Pill, and now ......


        Old Master Bai only felt his heart convulse.

        It wasn't just him!

        His eyes stared at the piece of toilet paper, as if he had seen a ghost.

        At this moment, the crowd in the main hall also noticed that something was wrong.

        The noisy jeers gradually quieted down.

        All of them looked at the old master and Gao Lao, full of fog, simply did not understand what was happening.

        "Bai ...... Bai Yan! Show me that piece of toilet paper you're holding!"

        In the silence, the old man's voice trembled as he said to Bai Yan.


        At this moment, everyone's eyes brushed against the toilet paper in Bai Yan's hand.

        Even Bai Shan and Bai Yi were completely confused.

        They couldn't imagine what was so beautiful about what Lin Fan was scribbling in the toilet.

        "Uh ...... good!" Bai Yan reacted from the shock.

        Immediately, she took the toilet paper and handed it over.

        Just somehow!

        At this moment in her heart, she felt that she had made a big mistake, and a bad premonition surfaced.

        At this moment, after Gao Lao received the toilet paper, his eyes fell on the words on the paper.

        "Bai Su Zi, Long Kui, Chicken Nei Jin ......"

        Gao Lao chanted one herb after another.

        With each recitation, he felt his heart stop for a moment.

        All right!

        He has analyzed the ingredients of the Soul Returning Pill over the years, and this one contains almost all of them.

        That's not all!

        All of Gao's original doubts about the other ingredients became clear when he saw the unfamiliar herbs on this piece of paper.

        "Gosh! That one is really a white mustard seed, and this one, a bitter stone lotus!"

        "And Crested Cloud Grass and Ruffwood ......"

        "Refining techniques, white mustard seeds, qingjing, and mulberry root ...... to go with it! Boil it over a warm fire for thirty minutes, then mix it with red stone resin and green sun ginseng and refine it for another twenty minutes ......"

        At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire main hall was bizarre to the extreme.

        Everyone was staring at Gao Lao.

        In their eyes, it was as if Gao Lao was possessed, facing that piece of toilet paper, reciting the names of the herbs, talking about the refining method, a moment with a sad frown, a moment with a happy smile!


        This scene was like going crazy.

        As for Old Master Bai, when he saw Gao Lao's look, his face turned red with excitement.

        He didn't have to guess, he could tell that his old friend was obviously completely immersed in the prescription.

        In other words, this prescription was most likely ...... true!

        One minute!

        Five minutes!

        Ten minutes!

        When a full twenty minutes have passed!


        A long breath sounded, and then Gao Lao, as if from a medical prescription, came to his senses.

        As he wiped the sweat from his forehead, he carefully took the toilet paper, as if he was holding some kind of treasure, and said ecstatically to Master Bai.

        "Old ...... Old Master! As you wish, this really is the recipe for the Soul Returning Elixir!"


        Hearing these words, Master Bai could no longer contain his excitement, and his entire body stood up from his seat.

        "Really ...... really? Are you sure?"

        Old Master Bai felt that this was definitely the most exciting moment in his life.

        Even back then, when he founded the Bai Clan, he had never been so nervous!

        "OK!" The old man said with a serious face.

        But then, with a slight frown on his face, he said.

        "This is one hundred percent, the true recipe for the Soul Returning Pill! The only flaw is that the method of making the Soul Returning Pill is only half written! It's like the person who wrote the prescription stopped on purpose!"


        Hearing this, the old master Bai's pupils shrank, and now he could not help but turn his eyes to Bai Shan and ask nervously.

        "Lao San, is this ...... prescription really written by Lin Fan in the toilet?"

        When it came to the word toilet, both the old man and Gao Lao had a strange look on their lips.

        And Bai Shan was dumbfounded.

        He nodded his head dumbly.

        "Too ...... great! I, the White Group, am expected to rise! The heavens have eyes!!!"

        After receiving the answer, the old master was so excited that he almost jumped up.

        And his [Jiujiu fiction] words, but also shocked everyone.

        The surrounding eldest son Bai Hai and his son, the second son Bai Chuan and his daughter, all were stunned.

        The first is the "soul returning pill".

        Isn't this Lin Fan's trash?

        How come the old man was like a treasure.

        "Father, what the hell is this Soul Returning Pill? Why are you so excited?" The second son, Shirakawa, was curious and dissatisfied at the moment, and asked.

        Only his words had just left his mouth!


        He was slapped in the face with a slap, and it hit him hard.

        The second master, Bai Chuan, staggered from the slap and fell to the ground with a poof.

        "Eye-deaf bastard! You know what!" The old man was livid and shouted at Bai Chuan.

        "This is the only medicine in the world that cures AS pneumonia! With it, we, the Bai Group, would be the first pharmaceutical company to develop a rejuvenating elixir! The government will thank us, the people will thank us, and the market will belong to us!"


        When the old man's words fell, everyone in the main hall couldn't believe their ears.


        Can this potion cure AS pneumonia?


        In an instant, the entire main hall completely exploded.

        It must be known that both Bai Hai and Bai Chuan, who had gathered so many experts and masters from both Chinese and Western medicine, had only developed a formula that could suppress it for a period of time!

        But now, Lin Fan has even written a prescription for a cure?

        How is this ...... possible!

        Not only could the crowd not believe it.

        At this moment, Bai Shan and Bai Yi were even more unbelievable.


        Bai Shan swallowed a mouthful of spit and looked at his daughter with a dumbfounded face.

        "Bai ...... Baiy! Lin Fan he knows how to heal?"


        The corner of Bai's mouth smacked, "Damn, how was I supposed to know if that bastard could heal!

        Baines wants to die!

        At this moment, she felt more and more that she couldn't understand Lin Fan, how that guy could become like a monster overnight.

        However, that wasn't all!

        The old man took a few deep breaths and suppressed all the excitement and ecstasy in his heart, and then nodded to Bai Shan and his daughter with satisfaction.

        "All right, guys! I declare the matter of the Return of the Soul Pill as the White Group's first priority!"

        "From now on, this matter is in the hands of White Mountain! The Chinese doctors under Bai Hai and the Western doctors under Bai Chuan are all transferred to Bai Shan for unified management!"

        "Anyone who disobeys orders will be expelled from the White Group and will not be tolerated!"


        This order announced by the old master Bai instantly made the Bai Group completely change the sky.

        Bai Hai and his sons, Bai Chuan and his daughters, all seemed to have been drained of all their strength, and one by one they sat down on their chairs.

        They could never have imagined that Bai Shan's father and daughter, who had been expecting victory and were about to be expelled from the group, would turn the tables on the Jedi!

        And they depend on it!

        It was that trash son-in-law who was despised and looked down upon by everyone - Lin Fan!

Chapter 18

How ...... how could this be!

        Bai Yan's entire body was confused. She looked at the piece of toilet paper filled with words, unable to accept the fact in front of her.

        "Soul Returning Pill? Is that guy's prescription real?"

        A bead of sweat, from Bai Yan's forehead, flowed down in a loud stream.

        It's over!

        She never dreamed that she would be the one to help turn the tide for the Bai Yi family, who were almost certain to be expelled from the family.

        Even with this prescription, Bai Shan took away the power in the hands of his uncle Bai Hai and father Bai Chuan.

        Only, that's not all!

        Gao Lao was now holding the prescription, his palms trembling with excitement, and said to the old master.

        "Old Master, can I ...... meet the man who wrote this prescription?"

        This remedy solved a problem that he had not solved all these years.

        This made Gao Lao grateful and worshipful.

        He couldn't even imagine what kind of person could have cracked the entire recipe of the Soul Returning Pill and described it so accurately.

        Hearing these words!

        Naturally, Master Bai would not refuse, he blushed with excitement and said to Bai with a pleasant smile.

        "O Baek! Quick, call that loser ...... No, Lin Fan! Let him come by himself!"

        At this moment, Bai's head is still in a state of downtime.

        After all, it all came so suddenly.

        Just hearing this, the corner of her mouth slightly pulled out, and then said with a hard scalp.

        "Grandpa ......! Lin Fan he doesn't have a cell phone!"


        Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

        No cell phone?

        In this day and age, even street beggars have a cell phone in their hands, but Lin Fan didn't even have one.

        Only at this moment did the crowd recall Lin Fan's low status in the Bai family.

        The old man pondered slightly, and then wanted to say something else.

        The old man, Gao, on the other hand, quickly said.

        "Old lady, don't call! Send someone to invite! After all, no matter how Lin Fan got this prescription, he is definitely the Bai family's first hero!"

        Gao Lao's words made Master Bai nod his head slightly.

        Now he turned his gaze to Bai Yifan and said.

        "Yifan! You go over there and get Lin Fan!"

        "Yes! Grandpa!" Bai Yifan's face was full of complexity, but he could only nod his head, and then quickly left the main hall!

        Looking at the figure of Bai Yifan, Bai Yi's heart, mixed feelings.

        Even she, as a wife, did not expect that in her own family, about to be expelled from the house, but it would be her own wasteful husband, casually writing something that would turn the whole situation around and bring her glory and power!



        At Bai Yi's home, the atmosphere was depressing and dreary.

        Her mother-in-law, Shen Yumei, sat quietly on the sofa, her graceful face almost dripping with gloom.

        Across from her, a middle-aged woman and a handsome young man sat.

        The woman was Yang Meifeng, the wife of the second son, Bai Chuan.

        The young man, on the other hand, was Ma Zhitao, the husband of Bai Yan, the son-in-law of Yang Meifeng's second wife.

        At this moment, her second aunt Yang Meifeng stretched out her wrist, touched a beautiful jade bracelet on it, and said with pride on her face.

        "Sister-in-law, look, this is the white jade bracelet my son-in-law Zhitao bought for me, made by a famous jade craftsman! Just the cost of building it cost over 100,000 yuan, plus the cost of the white jade, it was 500,000 to 600,000 yuan!"

        Show off!

        The naked show-off.

        Shen Yumei felt that she was going crazy, this Yang Meifeng since the morning, brought her son-in-law to the door, also in front of her, for a little half a day, showing off, which almost drove her crazy.

        "Alas! I told Zhitao not to buy me such expensive things, but he wouldn't listen! I can't help it, it's my son-in-law's filial piety after all." Yang Meifeng's heart was extremely happy.

        In particular, the worse Shen Yumei's face looked, the happier she was.

        Ma Zhitao, who was beside her, also hurriedly said.

        "Mom! You're taking good care of yourself now! Only this white jade bracelet is worthy of you!"

        After saying that, Ma Zhitao could not help but look at Shen Yumei and said with a smile.

        "Third aunt, I see that you take good care of yourself, so why don't you ask Lin Fan to buy you a pair of white jade bracelets?"

        When Ma Zhitao said that, his eyes couldn't help but look at Lin Fan, who was mopping the floor, and his eyes were filled with gloom and doom.

        This sentence, moreover, pierced Shen Yumei's heart.

        The more she looks, the more ugly she looks.

        "Gobble ...... Zhitao ah, not everyone is as successful as you! Lin Fan, I haven't had a job in the past few years, how can I have the money to buy a jade bracelet for your third aunt?" Yang Meifeng's face blossomed with joy.

        Her eyes turned to Lin Fan, who was mopping the floor, and was filled with contempt and ridicule.

        "What do you think a grown man can do if he washes and mops all day!"

        "By the way, Zhitao, didn't your company just receive a big order from the Bai Group? Why don't you ask Lin Fan to give you a hand?"

        Ma Zhitao is Bai Yan's husband and Bai Chuan's son-in-law.

        His company, too, is dependent on the White Group, a large tree.

        Now his business is flourishing, and naturally it has become the thing that Yang Meifeng is most proud of.


        Ma Zhitao made a difficult expression on his face, and then he said.

        "Ordinary work, I'm afraid Lin Fan won't either! The current company, however, has a job that is perfect for him! Do you want to think about it, Third Aunt!"

        Hear that!

        Shen Yumei also can't help but look at Lin Fan who is mopping the floor, the corner of his mouth is slightly drawn, but even more so his heart is angry.

        "Go ahead! What position?"

        "If it's appropriate, you can let Lin Fan try it out!"

        Shen Yumei shook her head, simply disappointed and sad to the core about her son-in-law.

        Yet at that very moment!

        "Wash the toilet!"


        This sentence caused Shen Yumei to be stunned, and when she reacted, the anger in her heart instantly surged up.

        "Third aunt, the employees of our company are a bunch of elites! Lin Fan naturally couldn't do it! However, I've seen him mop the floor so cleanly, he must have washed the toilet, too!"

        Ma Zhitao's face was full of ridicule, while shouting at Lin Fan.

        "Lin Fan, how's it going? Would you like to come to my office to clean the toilet? I'll give you ten thousand a month!"



        Shen Yumei could never have imagined that Ma Zhitao would be so outrageous.

        At that moment, she scuffled, stood up, and said in a furious voice.

        "Ma, what do you mean! No matter how bad Lin Fan is, he is still my Shen Yumei's son-in-law! Who are you to humiliate him like this!"

        The anger in Shen Yumei's heart was raging to an extreme.

        Lin Fan is her son-in-law, to humiliate Lin Fan is to humiliate herself, how can she endure.

        Just seeing this scene!

        Second Aunt Yang Meifeng, on the other hand, giggled.

        "I say, sister-in-law, why are you angry? Besides, my son-in-law is not wrong! Lin Fan wants a diploma, not a diploma! To be competent, not competent!"

        "Letting him clean the toilet is already helping him! Besides, give him a $10,000 salary! Where can you find such a good thing?"

        Yang Meifeng was full of gloom.

        Ma Zhitao, on the other hand, was full of sarcasm and said.

        "Third aunt, don't be angry! According to me, Lin Fan is not even qualified to clean our company's toilets!"

        "A loser who can't do anything! I've taken pity on him by making him wash the toilet!"

        Talk about that!

        The smile on Ma Zhitao's face gradually becomes eerie.

        "Hey ...... and don't be too busy saying no, Third Aunt! Because after today, even if it's your family, begging to clean the toilets in my office, I may not take them in!"


        "Ma Zhitao, what do you mean?" Shen Yumei's face was livid," Ma Zhitao said with a smile.

        And Ma Zhitao smiled and said.

        "What do you mean, Third Aunt should understand! This time the White House Council, only Uncle Sam couldn't come up with a cure for AS pneumonia! I'm afraid that after today, your family will be sleeping on the streets."

        "So now how about having your son-in-law, Lin Fan, get down on his knees and beg me, and I might be merciful enough to give him this job cleaning toilets? Hahaha ......"

        Ma Zhitao's laughter was rampant.

        Yang Meifeng, on the other hand, was also full of ridicule and gloating.


        At this moment, Shen Yumei only felt anger, raging to her head, making her almost go crazy.

        She truly understood that these two people coming to her home was not as simple as showing off!

        Rather ...... humiliation!

        Shen Yumei was so furious that her body trembled and her teeth chattered.

        But before she attacked, she saw Lin Fan slowly mopping the floor as he walked over.

        He took one look at his livid mother-in-law, and then said.

        "Mom, does this person make you angry?"


        Shen Yumei just felt like she was going to explode, and nodded her head now.

        Just seeing this!

        Ma Zhitao, on the other hand, sneered, looked at Lin Fan with a provocative face, and said.

        "What? Lin Fan, do you still want to stand out? I'm telling you, your mother is angry, pure and simple, because you're a loser. ......"


        Before Ma Zhitao could finish his sentence, a slap on the face slapped him in the face.

        It sent him stumbling, completely confused.

        Only, that's not all!

        Lin Fan, still looking at Shen Yumei, asked.

        "Mom, are you still angry?"

        Shen Yumei was confused.

        Yang Meifeng was dumbfounded!

        They also didn't expect that Lin Fan, who had been silent, would just do it without saying anything.

        At this moment, Shen Yumei was dumbfounded, not reacting in the slightest.

        "It seems that you are still angry!"

        Lin Fan nodded his head, and then he slapped down again, hard!


        When he smacked Ma Zhitao's face again, it knocked several teeth out of his mouth, and a bit of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth!

        "Mom, are you still mad at me?"


        Another slap down!

        "Mom, are you still mad at me?"


        Another slap in the face!


        At this moment, the atmosphere within the hall was bizarre to the extreme.

        Like a dead dog, Ma Zhitao was dragged by Lin Fan's clothes and slapped in the face one after another.

        His whole face was drenched in blood and flesh.

        Lin Fan, on the other hand, as if he was just swatting flies, was expressionless, slapping down slap after slap, and his slaps, each time they came down, would ask Shen Yumei if he was angry!

        At this moment, Shen Yumei and Yang Meifeng could hardly believe their own eyes.

        Is this ...... still the same cowardly and deceitful Lin Fan?

        Is this still the same useless son-in-law who is mocked and ridiculed every day?

        They only saw that Ma Zhitao had no strength to fight back in Lin Fan's hands, just like a fool whose head had been stopped by a blow.

        The blood was flowing and the flesh was split open!


        It wasn't until another loud slap came in that Shen Yumei reacted completely.

        It was only then that Shen Yumei reacted with a stirring, complete reaction, and her face changed dramatically.

        "Lin Fan, stop it!"


        Lin Fan was stunned, and then nodded his head.

        "Well, my mom forgives you!"

        With that, he threw Ma Zhitao to the ground as if he were a dead dog.

        And then, as if nothing had happened, he picked up the mop again and continued to mop up the stains on the ground.