Tech Life Chapter 24-26

 Chapter 24

A few minutes later, the two cars arrived at the Royal Dragon Villa. After finding a parking space, Li Linfei arrived at the meeting point for the senior three classes. Led by Mr Wang, he entered the Royal Dragon Villa.

        At the counter, the waitress in a red cheongsam smiled professionally and said, "Everyone, what do you need?"

        Teacher Wang said, "I want to book a private room and we'll come here for dinner. "

        "Do you have a membership card, please? When you come here, you have to show your membership card whether you have booked a private room or not, this is the rule, please understand. "

        "Yes, just a moment." So Mr Wang searched his body and found a green card. It was one he had spent a good deal of time borrowing from a friend. A green card was found. It was one that he had gone to great lengths to get a friend to borrow.

        Mr Wang handed the membership card to the waiter." Please wait a moment while I check. "So he checked it on the computer. Then said, "Sorry, we phased out this membership card three years ago,so please take it back."

        "What, that's impossible, I borrowed this from a friend and he said this membership card is a premium membership card, how can it be phased out. Mr. Wang explained loudly."

        The waiter said, "This green card used to be a premium membership card, but it was phased out three years ago and most of the cards have been withdrawn,only a small number have not been withdrawn. Only a small number of them have been withdrawn. The ones we issue now are in red, yellow, blue, purple and black. Red is the lowest level. Black is the highest level and is also issued internally.

        After hearing the waiter's explanation, Mr Wang still didn't believe it and called his friend, asking him again and again, he realised that it was a gift from someone else and that he had never been there, but only sometimes to pretend to be respectful.

        Mr. Wang didn't know what to do now, he had promised to bring his students here for a dinner, but the meal didn't work out and his old man had lost all his face.

        He had just heard the waiter introduce the membership card level to Mr. Wang and knew that Mr. Gao had given him the highest level of membership card, so he came up to relieve Mr. Wang of the dilemma.

        Li Linfei came to the counter and took out his black card from his pocket and lined it up on the counter, while most of the students and the counter attendant were taken aback by Li Linfei's move. Thought Li Linfei was up to something.

        The counter attendant was about to call security when she saw a black card on the counter. She picked it up and saw that it was an internal card. After taking a look at Li Linfei, it was obvious that he was a fresh graduate and not a shareholder leader.

        So she asked, "What is the name of this gentleman? Who gave you this black card? The company's first-class employees are the first to be awarded the title of "The Best of the Best". The waiter was invigorated at hearing this. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into.

        Then he said to Li Linfei: "Box 3135 can accommodate more than 100 people for dinner, and is one of the largest in the lodge. Mr Li is the guest of Vice President Gao, please forgive me if I offend you."

        Then a waiter was called to take Li Linfei and the others to Box 3135. Then a phone call was made to Manager Gao.

        At this time, Manager Gao was in the middle of the sales table, this month's sales results, this month is not good and not bad. At this time the phone rang, look at the front desk of the lodge opened. Received: "Hey, Manager Wu what is it?" The receptionist, also known as Manager Wu, said, "Vice President Gao, a gentleman surnamed Li just took a black card and said that you gave it to him.

        Vice President Gao was stunned, the last name was Li, he thought about it and said, "Does it look like a student?" Yes, Vice President Gao." When Vice President Gao heard the confirmation from Manager Wu, he thought of the information he had asked his subordinates to collect about Li Linfei two days ago. His father was a deputy district governor of Xiang City, his sister was a university student, and Li Linfei himself had bought a car and spent 200 million on an electronics factory, and then out of nowhere five sturdy men appeared, banging away at the factory all day.

        He thought at first that it was terrorists working undercover here, but it was ridiculous to think that the terrorists didn't know who he was. He guessed that maybe they were the descendants of one of the bigwigs in the capital. So he said to Manager Wu, "Which box is it? Manager Wu said, "Box 3135, one of the largest boxes, is for their use. "Very well Manager Wu, give them a waiver this time, and if anyone asks, just say I said so understand? Vice President Gao instructed."

        "Yes, Vice President Gao, I'll order it down, Manager Wu hung up the phone after he finished." And Li Linfei they followed the waiter to box 3135, I have to say that this box was really big.

        At this time, most of the students in the class were still in shock, "Why does Li Linfei have a black card, and who is that Vice President Gao."

        And Wu Yuting also had questions and first asked: "Li Linfei why do you have this black card! Li Linfei said: "I bought that Brady Veyron and the manager gave it to me.

        "The first thing you need to do is to buy a car and give you a senior membership card to the Dragon Villa, do you think he is stupid or do you think I am stupid. Wu Yuting said with contempt."

        Li Linfei looked at her contemptuous eyes, a slap on his arse, said, "Class leader, you are a day not to beat up on the room, it seems a few days not to beat your ass more softly."

        Wu Yuting at this time saw Li Linfei spanking him in front of so many people and saying those words, her face suddenly turned red. But in her heart she was a bit happy. She didn't know what was going on.

        This box could hold more than a hundred people for dinner, and it wasn't crowded with more than fifty people, and the senior three classes had put together three tables. Teacher Wang and Wu Yuting and their class cadres had a table, but Li Linfei was pulled by Teacher Wang to sit at a table and next to Wu Yuting.

        On his left is the main seat, and on his right is the class president Wu Yuting. Talking about love is not a bad idea! This is what the students thought. After the food was ordered, three more bottles of wine were ordered.

        After all the food and wine were served, Mr Wang stood up with his glass and said: "I would like to toast Li Linfei first. If he hadn't helped me out just now, I would have lost all my old face." Li Linfei got up and said, "Teacher, it's only right, the black card was given to me by someone else and I didn't know it at the time. I didn't know about it at the time. We should be the ones toasting you."

        "Students, don't you think so!" Yes, yes, what Li Linfei said is right." When Li Linfei saw that his classmates all said so, he said, "Come on, students, let's raise our glasses to toast Teacher Wang."

        "Good, then I will respectfully toast, cheers." Mr. Wang finished his drink in one gulp. Then the students finished their drinks in unison too. Well, do down and eat.

        "Li Linfei ah, although I do not know where you came from so much money, but everyone has a secret, you do not want to say, I also do not want to know, here today Wang teacher wants to say something to you. "After three rounds of wine, Teacher Wang said to Li Linfei.

        "Teacher Wang, if you have anything you want to say, just say it. " said Li Linfei. "Good. I'm not talking about wine, and I'm not drunk, I want to say. You are the most promising in this senior class, I could see it two months ago, no sound, then one - astonishing. I heard about you and Wu Yuting in class. I've heard some of it.

        "I'm not one of those old things that eat up the past, it's great that the two have a good feeling, but you have to put your studies first now. "Li Linfei saw Mr. Wang say this and said: "Mr. Wang, actually this ...... matter. "You wait for me to finish, Mr. Wang interrupted Li Linfei.

        "Now you have to put the school first, as well as you are now rich, later on you must open a big company, then Wang teacher I also face glory. After all, you, Li Linfei, are the student I taught."

        "Today, Mr. Wang is here to ask you one thing, all the students here are your classmates, when you get rich in the future, you can help them, you can help them, you can't have a few money and then show off everywhere and end up with nothing to live for." Do you understand?

        "I understand, Mr. Wang, I'll be sure to take your words to heart. " Li Linfei promised. "Good, with your words, I am relieved, Mr. Wang. Come we teacher and student to drink this glass of wine teacher and student to drink this glass of wine, from now on the end of the world each go, in the future no one can forget who."

        The students are so happy today, so let's drink to that, students get up and drink. Li Linfei called to.

        Ten minutes later, Mr. Wang was drunk, red wine Mr. Wang was not used to drink, so Li Linfei ordered a bottle of white wine for him, Mr. Wang was happy today, and got drunk after half a bottle. So Li Lin Fei sent Mr. Wang home first. Then he went back to the lodge.

Chapter 25

After driving back to the Dragon Villa and entering the private room, I found some of my classmates eating, while others were already drunk and lying on the table. Li Linfei sat down and continued to eat. At this time Wang Li came to Li Linfei's table crookedly, it seemed he was a bit drunk.

        Then he walked up behind Ma Xiangxiang and said loudly, "Ma Xiangxiang, I like you, be my girlfriend! This guy actually confessed his love to Ma Xiangxiang.

        Ma Xiangxiang was eating at first, but she was shocked to hear this sudden voice. She said yes. Ma Xiangxiang actually liked him too. Then the classmates got drunk and asked them to kiss each other.

        Ma Xiangxiang was still sober, but Wang Li was a little bit too smart for him, so he pulled Ma Xiangxiang up and disliked her, and then Ma Xiangxiang slapped Wang Li on the face, and sobered up. Ma Xiangxiang ran out. He still didn't know what to do.

        Li Linfei said, "What are you waiting for? Go after her!" When Wang Li heard Li Linfei's words, he immediately ______ after him.

        At this time, he heard another shout: "Liu Sui, I, I like you." Li Linfei took a look at it was Zhao Lei who had just drunkenly slumped on the table, and he actually confessed his love to Health Fringe.

        But Liu Sui just when she speaks wine, Zhao Lei really speaks wine, said a few sentences Liu Sui I like you only after, actually fell asleep. He also snored. Alas, this is no one.

        Graduation dinner to here, all have opened up their hearts to the three years of sweet and sour a - - said, high school graduation three years classmates will be separated, think about are a little feel sad. Many of the boys have girls they like, and if they don't confess now, when will they confess.

        When you graduate and go your own way, will you still see each other from time to time? If you don't confess your love for a girl now, when will it be, a year, two years, or ten years, when things will be different.

        Many boys in senior class 3 now have the same scene as Wang Li, and have taken advantage of the alcohol to confess their love for the girls they like. But there are those who succeed and those who fail, but to say what you like in your heart is heroic.

        At this time Wang Li came back with Ma Xiangxiang, seemingly conquered, with her head bowed and her right hand being pulled by Wang Li.

        Looking at these students confessing their love, he looked at Wu Yuting, she was beautiful and some people liked her, but to all, Wu Yuting was Li Linfei's and they could only look at the back. However, there were some who got drunk and rode on the strength of their drink to confess their love to Wu Yuting, who said in one sentence that she had someone she liked. When that student saw Wu Yuting say that and saw Li Linfei sitting next to him, he left with his head down.

        By the time we reached 2pm, some of the students had left, while most of them were playing in the lodge at Li Linfei's suggestion.

        During this time, Li Linfei made a phone call to his mother saying that he would not be back until the evening for the graduation dinner today. Hu Wen told her not to drink too much and hung up the phone.

        After having dinner, someone suggested going to KTV at the lodge, but most of the students were tired and went home, leaving only a dozen students behind.

        The dozen or so people, led by Li Linfei, went to sing at the KTV in the lodge until 9pm, when most of them went home again.

        There were only five people here: Li Linfei, Wang Li, Zhao Lei, Ma Xiangxiang, and Wu Yuting, who had just gotten drunk while singing. After a few more minutes of singing, they couldn't stay up any longer. So Wang Li suggested going home.

        Wang Li said: "Lin Fei, the class leader is drunk, you should take him home, after all you have a car, so we will go home. After saying that, he pulled a few people and left.

        And Ma Xiangxiang said teasingly as she was leaving, "Li Linfei, our class president is in your hands, don't take advantage of her drunkenness to bully her.

        I don't dare bully her, if she bites me, there's not even a persuader, and then Ma Xiangxiang walked away.

        So called the waiter to check out, actually said free bill, said that the high vice president said, Li Linfei also can do nothing.

        Alas, this beautiful class president just can't drink, not even three or two before he got drunk. So as soon as he picked him up, he felt her body tremble.

        Huh, was she not drunk, was she pretending. Fine, you pretend, I'll just eat your tofu like that. So he gave his arse a good squeeze. On a heavy pinch, this girl obviously body shaking a little, also, surprisingly you want to play, I will accompany you.

        Called the waiter to open a room, carried Wu Yuting into the room, looked at his sexy lips, kissed, but still did not wake up, so put her on the bed, pressed her.

        "If you're pretending, I'll put you on the spot right now, said Li Linfei." If you dare, I'll waste you, Li Linfei just said. Wu Yuting opened her eyes and looked at him and said."

        "I found out that you like me, don't you? " said Li Linfei. Wu Yuting hesitated for a moment and said, "I do like you how. I don't know what's wrong with me, the party heard a - words from Mr. Wang, and after seeing the confessions of my classmates today, I thought in my mind that I don't want to be pretending. She sobbed as she spoke.

        Li Linfei picked her up and Wu Yuting sobbed even harder in his arms. Li Linfei said comfortingly, "Okay, okay, I promise you, I actually like you too, will you be my girlfriend too?" Wu Yuting's face was full of tears as she said, "I'm willing, if I don't say yes you'll run away with someone else, you're so good." So the two of them hugged for a while and Li Linfei said, "Yuting, let me take you home, it's so late, your parents will be worried. Wu Yuting nodded her head in agreement.

        When he drove Wu Yuting to her door, Wu Yuting suddenly said: "Kiss me. "Li Lin" said Fei: "This is not good, after all, in front of your house."

        "I don't care, you have to kiss me, hurry up." At this time, Wu Yuting rose her sexy lips like a pampered girl and asked Li Linfei for a kiss.

        Li Linfei looked at her innocent-like doll face and had rising sexy lips, so he kissed too, and after two minutes, the lips parted. Wu Yuting got out of the car.

        Li Linfei drove away, while Wu Yuting knew that Li Linfei drove away from her sight before entering the house.

        Just as she entered, Wu Yuting saw her dad and mum watching TV in the living room, and after greeting them, she was about to go upstairs. But his dad called out to her.

        "Dad, what did you call me for?" Wu's dad said, "Sit down first, I'll talk to you." So Wu Yuting sat down. Wu's father said, "Yuting, is that your classmate who drove you home?

        "Yes, what's wrong? Wu Yuting asked strangely." Wu's mother then said, "I saw it all at the door, it was more than just a classmate." Wu Yuting then said, "Mom, you saw it, and I'm not hiding it from you that's my boyfriend's name is Li Linfei, I just said yes today."

        Wu's father and mother Wu heard the name Li Linfei and thought about it, remembering that incident. So they looked at each other and both had understood that it was better not to say anything. Wu's mother said: "You talk about boyfriends, dad and mum don't object, don't do anything out of the ordinary before you graduate from university, understand?

        "Mom, what are you talking about?" Is your daughter such a person? Wu Yuting instantly blushed red in shame. Coyly, she said. Wu's mother said, "Alright, you go up and rest. You're tired from today's day of partying too.

        When Wu Yuting went upstairs, Wu's mother said to Wu's father, "Old Wu, it looks like we don't have to beat up the lovebirds, they're on their own." Wu's father said, "Yes we should take Yuting for a while after a few weeks, it's been ten years, I don't know if the promise will be fulfilled. By this time Li Linfei had returned home and was checking his attributes. Optional task, chase after Wu Yuting before graduation.

        Task Tense:Completed.

        Host: Li Linfei (Primary Godly) (80/100)

        Age: 18

        Height: 170cm

        Weight: 62kg

        Physical Fitness: 80

        Stamina: 75

        Memory: 80

        Visual acuity: 75

        Proficiency: inch boxing, car driving. Hero Points: 160

        Mission Points: 470

Chapter 26

The next day, Li Linfei woke up, brushed his teeth and washed his face to eat breakfast. Then drove to the factory.

        When he came to the factory, Li Wu was on duty. Not seeing the other four robots asked Li Wu, saying that they were playing cards. Li Linfei at this time imagined four robots playing cards, what should be the scene.

        When they arrived at the factory meeting room, they were indeed playing cards, two kinds of cards together, a deck of mahjong and a deck of poker. The game was played without any delay.

        When they saw that Li Linfei had arrived, several robots immediately stopped, and even Li Wu, who was on duty, also came. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

        Li Yi you help me take one of the ten tools I made that day and put it in my car. You four just carry on.

        He is going to help Old Mother out today. When Li- brought that tool for making Ling Yang tea, it was disassembled, it was disassembled. After getting it done, he put it in the back of the car.

        Then drove straight to the Wen Wen cosmetic and raw product factory.

        Wenwen cosmetics factory, has been established for more than ten years, Li Linfei home Furong district drive to - more than an hour.

        With the rise of many cosmetic companies, cosmetics hard to launch several products a year. This has caused many small and medium-sized cosmetic factories to close down and go out of business. The larger factories were merged into larger companies.

        The factories like my mother's, Wen Wen Cosmetics, were unable to grow because of financial problems. It never grew, and no new products were developed. This led to difficulties for a while.

        Li Linfei hadn't been to his mother's factory for four or five years, but he had been there once when he was naughty and broke some machinery. At that time, he got a beating from his mother, and he was not persuaded by his sister and the factory staff, so he was still beating her. It makes me laugh when I think about that time. There were many factories in the area, but compared to the Wenwen cosmetics factory, these factories were like dazzling sunshine, while the Wenwen cosmetics factory was a sunset. The walls of the other factories were snow white, while the walls of the Kissman Cosmetics factory were cracked.

        With the manufacturing tools in hand, he went to the Wenwen Cosmetics security office. He was about to ask the security guard to open the door, when the guard on duty inside came out.

        Uncle Liu, you are on duty today!

        This Uncle Liu, called Liu Zhiwei, is an old employee of the factory. I remember the time I broke the machinery and was beaten by my mother, but it was this Uncle Liu who persuaded me to do so. When he was young, he was afraid to call his parents when he beat up his classmates at school, so he had to call Uncle Liu. Li Linfei was like a family member to Uncle Liu.

        "Hey, Little Fei, it's you, why are you here today? Uncle Liu asked with a quick smile."

        I ah, I came to see my old mother, and also to see the factory. Li Linfei said. "Alas, the factory has been in a slump recently, only some small individual customers come to buy goods. The biggest order is only a few tens of thousands, alas. Uncle Liu said with a sad face."

        "Well, Uncle Liu, there will be a solution, see, what I hold in my hand will solve the crisis." Uncle Liu was obviously not convinced and said, "Well Little Fei, you go in, your mother, at this moment, should be in the office looking at the sales for this month.

        So Li Linfei took the tea making tools into the factory, and most of the employees passing by recognized him as the factory's son. And Li Linfei was either called uncle or aunt.

        When he arrived at the door of his mother's office. Li Linfei was already panting, after all, the machine had more than 80 kilograms and it was quite a long way from the security room to the factory manager's office. I should have known that I should have asked Li Yi to come with me.

        He put the machine at the door, knocked on the door, and then his mother's voice came out from inside: "Please come in. Li Linfei then went in.

        He opened the office door and saw that his mother was frowning at the sales table. When she saw someone come in, she saw that it was her son. So she said, "It's Little Fei! What are you doing here?"

        "Mom, can't I come to see you?" Li Linfei said with a smile. I'm asking you how your college entrance exams are going, can you afford to go to Central South University?"

        Li Linfei said, "Mom, look at what you said, not to mention the South China University, this year's provincial college entrance exam topper has no problem." All right, all right, don't talk big, it's good that you can afford Zhongnan University, now you sit next to me for a while, I'll go to lunch with you after reading the sales sheet."

        "Mom, I'm here today to solve your problem." Hu Wen laughed at this and said, "What can you do to solve the problem, do you have any good sales methods or can you create new make-up outlets."

        "Mom, this is a new way to make a beauty and health tea that I got. You take a look, said and put the manufacturing method of Ling Yang tea on mother's desk."

        Hu Wen half-heartedly picked it up and looked at it, then asked suspiciously, "Does this tea really have that many effects. "Mom, does it, I don't know, just make it first and experiment."

        Hu Wen picked up the internal phone on the table, and said to call Xiao Wang from the R&D department. In a short while, that Xiao Wang came and asked, "Factory manager please what do you want to see me about? Hu Wen picked up the Ling Yang tea production method and efficacy on the table and showed it to him, Xiao Wang took a look at it, it turned out to be a manufacturing method, he looked at it, not long after. Said: "factory director this what spirit Yang tea manufacturing materials we have in the factory. Just I would like to ask you, where did you get this Chinese recipe from?"

        Before Hu Wen could say anything, Li Linfei spoke first and said, "I got this." He looked like he didn't recognize it." Hu Wen spoke up and said, "Xiao Wang, he is my son."

        "Oh, so it is small boss ah, but small boss I want to ask, this manufacturing method on the manufacturing tools no, even with this recipe have not made this spirit Yang tea ah.

        Li Linfei said with a smile: "Who said there is no manufacturing tools, I put it at the door, you just came in did not see that packing box? "What, that's the manufacturing tool, I don't believe it, it's so small.

        "Well, let's have a look at it then, said Li Linfei." So the three went out.

        Li Lin~Fei pointed to the packing box at the door of the office and said, "This is the manufacturing tool I just brought, I'll unpack it here. So Li Lin Fei unpacked it and put it back together and it became a machine, as tall as an adult. Look at it, it's a manufacturing tool.

        Little Wang, looking around the machine, asked, "Can I, first, experiment a little." Yes, go ahead, said Li Linfei. So Little Wang moved him over to a power socket. He connected it to the power supply and then started to operate it according to the operation method Li Linfei had just given him.

        After a few minutes, he was already familiar with it, then asked for permission from Hu Wen then went to get some ingredients to make Ling Yang tea. Li Lin~Fei mother and son then went back to the office, making spirit Yang tea is not something that can be done in a few minutes.

        At noon, the mother and son went to the factory canteen to eat. Hu Wen asked, "Little Fei, did you spend money recklessly again, this manufacturing method and machinery must have cost a lot of money."

        "Mom, that Ling Yang tea manufacturing method was given to me by a classmate, he took it and didn't use it, so I gave him a few million, at first said nothing, but later reluctantly accepted it. But that machine? I bought a factory that was going out of business with tens of millions of dollars to build it.

        Hu Wen complained, "You kid, why are you spending tens of millions of dollars all of a sudden? The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. Li Linfei said comfortingly.

        "Okay, let's eat." Ten minutes later, mother and son finished their meal and went back to the office. Passing by the plant, saw Xiao Wang and several other technicians looking at the Ling Yang tea manufacturing method and looking around the machinery that is manufacturing Ling Yang tea.

        Two, people back to the office, Hu Wen like remembered something, asked: "Xiaofei, I ask you, this machinery you early a few?" Li Linfei said: "plus this machine, built ten machines, if the Ling Yang tea has efficacy, I will bring the remaining nine all."

        At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Wang came over with a small box of what looked like manufactured Ling Yang tea. He said, "Factory manager, this is the Ling Yang tea that has just been produced."

        Hu Wen said, "Put it here." So Xiao Wang put it on the table, then went out and continued to watch the machine.

        Li Linfei opened the box containing the Ling Yang tea and had a look at it, there was a burst of aroma, he arrived at the point out, the shape of the tea leaves, the aroma of jasmine flowers. I just don't know what it would taste like to brew it. So mother and son decided to go home and brew it and drink it.

        Li Linfei accompanied his mother to five o'clock in the afternoon, and took her home from work. Looking at Li Linfei's car, Hu Wen immediately stomped on him, and Li Linfei smiled awkwardly. Hu Wen didn't want to say anything else, got into the car and went home.