Super Rich Dad Chapter 474-476

 Chapter 474

Obviously, Liu Qiang had been preparing for a long time in order to wait for Jiang Hao.

In order to return all the humiliation he had suffered before to Jiang Hao, Liu Qiang had waited even longer.

Those humiliations in the past were something that Liu Qiang could never let go of, and he could not suppress the hatred he felt for Jiang Hao in his heart. He could only think that one day, he would be able to return all the humiliation to Jiang Hao's body, doubling it.

In the past, he could only think about these things in his mind, but Liu Qiang knew that now the opportunity had arrived.

In the past, Jiang Hao was very powerful, relying on the huge amount of money he had under him. And a bullish and shiny identity.

At that time, his own father had to live like a dog in front of Jiang Hao.

Not to mention himself.

But now it was different, Jiang Hao's good days were gone.

Liu Qiang already knew that Jiang Hao had lost all his fortune because of the south of the city project. He had lost all his fortune and was probably in debt.

And the City South project, which used to make him look incredibly respectable, was also close to bankruptcy.

Now Jiang Hao has become a dog in distress, the target of Chu Jiang's crusade.

Now if you go out and look at the media reports in Chujiang, it is not difficult to see that all of them are articles that crusade against Jiang Hao and the City South project.

Some people have even gathered directly at the entrance of Ye Yunjie's company to demand a statement.

Although many of these people were not even close to the City South project.

But even so, they could not resist the enthusiasm of many people, many of whom were enjoying the thrill of the wall falling on them.

At this time, Liu Qiang was not only enjoying the pleasure, but he was even calculating in his heart how to make Jiang Hao more humiliated.

So when he heard his father inadvertently say that he wanted Jiang Hao to come to his family's company, he started to plan these things.

It was obvious. The few security guards at the door just now were just an appetizer dessert, and the main course prepared for Jiang Hao today was exactly this dozen strong men who had just scurried out.

These people directly surrounded Jiang Hao and Ye Yunjie in the middle, with a vicious look, as if they were ready to make a move at any time and pack Jiang Hao and Ye Yunjie into a state where they didn't know their parents.

Seeing the sudden arrival of a group of people, Jiang Hao immediately understood what was going on, and he sneaked a glance at Ye Yunjie, his heart inevitably a little nervous.

Originally, Jiang Hao still thought that even if he came here, Liu Guohao should not dare to do anything to him.

But then it dawned on Jiang Hao that Liu Guohao wouldn't seem to, but this Liu Qiang wouldn't have any regard for favours.

Because this man, was an ungrateful thing.

"What do you want?" Jiang Hao asked coldly." Young Liu, don't forget the pain after getting well, have you forgotten what happened to yourself before? Oh, if I hadn't opened my net to you before, I guess you'd be burning your head on the seventh day now, what, want to take revenge for your kindness?"

From Jiang Hao's point of view, he had indeed been kind to Liu Qiang.

You know, last time this dog had imprisoned Xue Yuning, he himself had already moved to kill him, and then walked in his family's company and tried to lay hands on himself.

These two things. Which one of them is picked out is enough for Liu Qiang to die several times, but he himself for the south of the city project. In order to pull in Liu Guohao, he still chose to let him go.

But what about him? And his old son, what an interesting way to repay himself now.

Perhaps this was father and son.

Jiang Hao Yue thought of this, and instead of a trace of fear, his heart was filled with anger.

He glared angrily at Liu Qiang and said coldly again, "And you're naive. You think you can do anything to me just by yourself? Oh ...... And I'll tell you one more thing, a very important one, you, and your father, have really pissed me off now!"

Jiang Hao's gaze was filled with a chill as he uttered the last sentence, clearly he wasn't just saying this for fun. He was truly angry.

He was angry at the betrayal of these people, and the ignorance of these people.

They always thought that if the South City project was lost, they would be completely defeated, and would be reduced from the high and mighty "Jiang Shao" to a dog in the manger that they could bully at will.

What is this if not ignorance?

You know, even if all the projects in the south of the city were to be overturned, Jiang Hao would still have enough capital reserves on hand to crush everyone.

Even though he is now at the sharp end of the storm, he can still swallow mountains and rivers as long as he is willing to make a move.

And these people who think they can bully and crush themselves over this don't even know it. With their pathetic power, they are not even a fart in front of themselves.

Because even the most bullying Xu family in Chu River. All its forces put together were probably not enough to play with that Thunder Team under his own father for half a day.

Does this mean that they can ride on their own heads and sh*t? What on earth were they thinking?

Jiang Hao shook his head for a moment and laughed bitterly at their ignorance. And a hint of stupidity.

But now that it had come to this, Jiang Hao could still laugh at himself out loud, which was for Liu Qiang. It was simply a great insult.

He angrily roared at Jiang Hao and said, "Shut up, you're a grudge holder? You're a ridiculous person, aren't you? You f*cking made me lose face in front of all the people of Chu Jiang, what kindness do you have for me?"

Before Liu Qiang could finish his words, he was coldly interrupted by Jiang Hao, "I didn't kill you, that's a favour!"

"I pooh!" Liu Qiang spat fiercely and continued his rant, "Who do you think you are? You're a fart, even you're worse than a fart now, and my father and I pissed you off, I'm f*cking pissed off at you, what can you do to me? Rubbish, miserable dog, do you still think you're the same person you were yesterday? Oh ......"

As he spoke, Liu Qiang pulled out a pendant from his pocket, reached out to Jiang Hao and waved it, saying smugly, "Oh, I guess you remember this, right? Haha, do you know why it's in my hand?"

What was in Liu Qiang's hand was the sapphire pendant Jiang Hao had given to Xue Yuning.

And the moment he saw the pendant, Jiang Hao's heart couldn't help but stutter.

His eyes immediately widened as he stared viciously at the other party and shouted angrily, "Why is this in your hand?"

Liu Qiang let out a lustful laugh, as if he was deliberately provoking Jiang Hao, and said, "Does that even need to be said? Oh, to be honest, that chick feels really f*cking good, I wanted to get her before, but you spoiled it, but now I got what I wanted, haha ...... does it feel like, your head is green?"

Liu Qiang this, of course, is deliberately said to Jiang Hao listen.

He had not even touched a finger of Xue Yu Ning, the pendant was only borrowed from Xu Tianlin, his purpose was simple, to stimulate Jiang Hao.

And it was clear that he had gotten his way.

The moment he saw the pendant, Jiang Hao exploded as if he was a volcano.

Chapter 475

"What the hell did you do?" Jiang Hao used almost all his strength to think about rushing up to Liu Qiang.

Due to the recent matter of the south of the city project, Jiang Hao had already made Jiang Hao anxious, and he hadn't contacted Xue Yuning for a long time.

The fact that Liu Qiang suddenly pulled out the sapphire pendant and said such provocative words made Jiang Hao's head explode. He really thought that this guy had done something to Xue Yuning.

After all, he himself wasn't sure what kind of situation Xue Yuning was in right now.

However, Jiang Hao was just about to charge forward, but he was stopped by Ye Yunjie.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, if he really did something, I'll make his life worse than death!" Ye Yunjie reassured Jiang Hao." Don't be impulsive."

How could Jiang Hao not be impulsive, it was impossible for anyone not to be angry now that something had happened to his girlfriend.

But the angrier Jiang Hao was, the more pleased he was. The angrier Jiang Hao was, the more complacent Liu Qiang felt in his heart.

He wanted this effect, he wanted to make Jiang Hao angry, but also let him do nothing to help himself, and finally feel the despair.

After that, he said with a loud and unrestrained laugh, "Haha, not only did I play with that chick, but my brothers did too, otherwise, why do you think they would follow me? Haha, you can't even look after your own woman, what's the point of living, huh?"

Jiang Hao was burning with rage, as if there was a blazing fire burning in his chest, desperately trying to break free from Ye Yunjie and rush towards Liu Qiang.

But no matter how hard Jiang Hao struggled. However, no matter how hard Jiang Hao struggled, he was unable to break free from Ye Yunjie.

Of course, Ye Yunjie was furious, but she knew that it was her own decision to punish these people, and she had to do it herself, so if Jiang Hao went up there, he would only be cleaned up and add to the mess, and would not be of any use.

Ye Yunjie coldly glared at Liu Qiang and said equally coldly, "You are looking for death, don't worry, I will make you whole."

Liu Qiang snorted and said with contempt, "Just you? How old are you?"

Liu Qiang's gaze drooled over Ye Yunjie's body, and he couldn't help but lick his lips as he said, "Oh, you actually do have quite a taste. Why don't you behave yourself and I'll let you off the hook?"

Ye Yunjie laughed coldly, "Let me off the hook?"

"Yeah, I'm actually a person who is very pitying, especially to beauties, I really can't lay a hand on them ......" Liu Qiang smiled, "There's my office upstairs, want to go? I promise to make you feel good!"

Ye Yunjie gave another cold laugh and shook her head, "No, I think it's right here!"

Ye Yunjie's words instantly caused everyone present to burst into laughter.

Liu Qiang, in particular, was simply unbridled, pointing at Ye Yunjie and saying to the men beside him, "Haha. Look guys, this b*tch is still pretty f*cking slutty, here? That's fine. Why don't you take it off?"

Ye Yunjie looked at the other man teasingly, patted Jiang Hao, gestured for him to flash to the side and said, "It's better for you to do it!"

After saying that, Ye Yunjie opened her arms and made a gesture of giving up her hands.

This made Liu Qiang very happy. He thought that Ye Yunjie was really ready to give in to herself.

After all, she only had Jiang Hao with her, and Jiang Hao's small body was simply dispensable in front of his men.

To Liu Qiang, this was like a pie falling from the sky, he had grown up so much. But he had never tasted a beauty like Ye Yunjie.

Liu Qiang walked towards Ye Yunjie without any precautions, but he did not know that in Ye Yunjie's eyes, he was like a mole that had fallen into a spider trap and was still unaware of it.

Liu Qiang took two steps forward and directly reached out to pull at Ye Yunjie's clothes.

But in a split second, Ye Yunjie suddenly grabbed his wrist with lightning speed, directly squeezing it and then wrenching it in one smooth motion, and a "click" was heard. Liu Qiang's wrist was completely changed in shape.

Liu Qiang let out a scream and tried to break free, but Ye Yunjie pulled his arm in one smooth motion. Then his other hand slapped out a palm, directly hitting his opponent in the chest.

Ye Yunjie's palm strike did not seem to have much power. However, Liu Qiang felt as if he had been hit by a huge boulder, and his whole body was instantly pushed backwards by the huge force, while his arm was pulled by Ye Yunjie. His arm, which was being pulled by Ye Yunjie, was also dislocated by the huge force in an instant.

Subsequently, Ye Yunjie used the force to slam, directly throwing Liu Qiang out a long way.

"Boom ......" Liu Qiang fell heavily to the ground, and in a tight moment, he was just alive and well, but he lost half of his life in an instant.

Liu Qiang spat out a mouthful of blood fiercely, and painful feelings came from his entire body.

In particular, the palm that Ye Yunjie had just slapped on him seemed insignificant, but it was a solid blow, and Liu Qiang felt that in that instant, his internal organs seemed to have been shaken to the wrong place.

At that moment, his chest was burning with pain, and his body was as if it was going to fall apart.

What Ye Yunjie had just done had also directly frightened Liu Qiang's men.

These people looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and could not believe that this was all done by a woman.

After all, Ye Yunjie looked so soft and weak, how could she have exploded with such tremendous strength?

But this was the case, and the scene in front of her really refreshed many people's outlook.

However, Ye Yunjie didn't seem to think anything of it at this moment, and even after the intense action just now, her whole body didn't even take a big breath.

This was even more surprising.

Not to mention Ye Yunjie's body, even the strong and powerful men would feel tired after the strenuous movements just now.

What kind of person was this woman? This question could not help but come to these people's minds at the same time.

Liu Qiang, who was in pain, was even more irritated when he saw that his men were standing still, without a single reaction.

"What the hell are you guys looking at? Give me a go ......" Liu Qiang growled with all his strength, "Get rid of this b*tch for me, quick ......"

Liu Qiang was obviously completely furious, and he certainly had not expected that Ye Yunjie would be so skilled.

But at this moment, he was even more angry at himself for being beaten so badly.

Damn, even if you are powerful, can you still be more powerful than these twenty people put together?

At this moment, Liu Qiang could no longer care about bullying the young with the many, or a group of men bullying a woman, what she wanted now was to clean up Ye Yunjie.

What she wanted now was to get rid of Ye Yunjie and get Jiang Hao to kneel at her feet and admit her mistake!

Liu Qiang's many men heard the words, and only then did they react from the dazed state they had just been in, and one by one, they hurriedly dropped their eyes on Ye Yunjie's body.

Chapter 476

These men looked at each other and their companions, and their faces gradually became grim.

It was true that the strength Ye Yunjie had just shown had surprised them a little, but after all, they were a group of men, a group of men who had been in society for many years, and normally one of them would not even be able to beat several, and now they were facing one Ye Yunjie. How could they possibly be afraid now that they were facing a single Ye Yunjie?

What's more, even if Ye Yunjie was powerful, she was only one person after all.

Even if one of them gave her a punch or a kick, Ye Yunjie would probably die.

What's more, they had never been that light on their hands.

They were hired by Liu Qiang. Naturally, they would do whatever they could to relieve Liu Qiang's anger.

These men took a look at Ye Yunjie and took one step after another. The circle surrounding Jiang Hao and Ye Yunjie was gradually narrowed, and each of them was ready to make a move at any time.

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem. ...... hmmm, then I'll reward you with a game. Anyway, I'm going to let her know today what happens when you offend me!"

Liu Qiang seems to have foreseen Ye Yunjie's downfall, after all, this class of people under his own, he knows best in his heart.

No matter how strong you were, Ye Yunjie would only be repaired!

However, at this moment, Ye Yunjie did not think so.

She didn't even look at the 20-odd people surrounding her, and sneered, "What, you want to touch me with just a few losers? You're too naive, aren't you?"

Calling herself a loser!

When Liu Qiang's many men heard this, they immediately quit.

One by one, they shouted at Ye Yunjie, "B*tch, I see that you are still tough-mouthed even though you are dying, I will see if you still dare to speak out!"

"Damn it, don't kill him today, I want her to know if she's a loser or not ......"

The group of men howled like a mad bull, and then rushed directly towards Ye Yunjie.

And no matter how they screamed. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

As soon as Ye Yunjie's words fell, Jiang Hao heard a howling sound like a wild beast erupting from beyond the crowd, and then he heard a shocking sound of footsteps, which were loud and fast as if each time they landed, they were able to shake the earth apart.

And the footsteps were coming from far away and seemed to be coming up to him soon.

Jiang Hao did not close his eyes, but looked in the direction of the huge footsteps with a slightly frightened expression on his face.

Soon. A "giant" appeared in Jiang Hao's field of vision.

It was true that each of Liu Qiang's men was about 1.8 metres tall. And they looked incredibly strong.

But even so, they were like children in comparison to the "giant".

The man was at least two metres tall, and his body was as strong as a rhinoceros.

Dressed in a black suit, he charged forward with a speed he should not have had for his size, and then hissed loudly. Fiercely swinging up his arms as thick as streetlight poles, he instantly swung a man who was about to make a move on Ye Yunjie and sent him flying.

The man let out a miserable howl and then fell heavily to the ground five metres away.

Just then, the big man turned to another man beside him, and he grabbed him as easily as if he were a small chicken. Then he flung himself out violently, and as he did so, he shouted, "With me here, who dares to touch Miss Ye!"

Before his voice fell, he rushed towards the crowd again.

At this moment, he was like a hungry wolf rushing into a flock of sheep, almost completely crushing everyone present.

He saw that Liu Qiang's twenty-odd men, in front of him, simply had no chance to fight back.

He threw a punch to the left and a kick to the right, and after one punch and one kick, Liu Qiang's men all flew far away. They all flew far away and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

Even for those who were lucky enough to be conscious, they saw how fierce and fierce the strong man looked. They were so frightened that they hurriedly fell to the ground, not daring to move in any way.

In less than half a minute, the people who had been so arrogant just then were all lying on the ground, wailing in pain. They were all lying on the ground, wailing in pain.

The strong man walked to Ye Yunjie's side, bowed respectfully and said in a loud voice, "Miss Ye. It's already taken care of!"

Ye Yunjie nodded slightly, "Thank you for your hard work."

The strong man smiled and scratched his head, saying, "What's so hard about it? A few little vegetables, even if there were twice as many, they wouldn't be enough for me to fight!"

This man was none other than King Kong, as his name implies!

Ever since the last time in the company, when the Lei group provoked Ye Yunjie, and the crowd encouraged Kong to challenge her, and he was repaired in the end, Kong had admired Ye Yunjie from the bottom of his heart.

Just now, after Ye Yunjie and Jiang Hao had left the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Ye Yunjie sent a message to the Lei Group in private.

And Vajra ran straight over to the address regardless.

As soon as King Kong entered the Howe Mansion, he saw this group of people preparing to make a move on Ye Yunjie and Jiang Hao.

Where did King Kong care so much, he rushed straight up.

"Miss Ye, are you and Jiang Shao all right?" Jin Gang stole a glance at Jiang Hao at the side, not daring to raise his head, and asked in a low voice.

Ye Yunjie shook her head, "It's fine, thanks to you coming. Where are the others?"

Jin Gang hurriedly said, "They were dilly-dallying, I came one step ahead. If these bastards dare to touch you and Jiang, I will crush them to death. What's next for them, Miss Ye?"

Ye Yunjie looked at the wreckage all over the ground, her gaze flicked around and finally landed on Liu Qiang.

"Go and waste him, but don't get him killed, take and follow me upstairs!" Ye Yunjie said indifferently.

Hearing these words from Ye Yunjie, Liu Qiang on the side was so frightened that his body trembled and he hurriedly prepared to get up and tried to escape.

But how fast Vajra reacted, even if he was a normal person, he might not be able to escape from Vajra's palm, not to mention that he was still injured at this time.

So Liu Qiang hadn't even run a few steps away. He was grabbed by Vajra, then grabbed and lifted up high, and then slammed to the ground.

King Kong's hands and feet were nimble as he gave Liu Qiang a flurry of repairs, and at once, the entire ground floor lobby of the Haoyuan Building echoed with Liu Qiang's long wails.

It was only after half a day that Liu Qiang's wailing came to an abrupt end, for by now, he had already been tortured to death.