Super Rich Dad Chapter 447-448

 Chapter 447

After Chu Yuan finished his words, his whole person seemed to look a little impatient.

He looked at Jiang Hao with a smug smile, and when he saw that Jiang Hao did not respond, he hurriedly urged him on, "Hurry up? Kneel down and admit your mistakes? Just like when my father knelt down for you, begging me like a pug!"

As he spoke, Chu Yuan laughed uncontrollably, as if he had already won at this moment. It was as if Jiang Hao had already knelt down for him.

At the side, although Chu Zhengting had not said much, he was undeniably excited as well.

After all, what a relief it was, when he had knelt like a dog before Jiang Hao and begged for mercy, asking him to give the Chu family a way out and he wouldn't give it.

Now Jiang Hao himself had encountered a great problem, and now it was his turn to pray for him to let him go.

This world was so interesting.

There was no denying that at this moment, the Chu family's father and son were simply thrilled to death.

But compared to their excitement. But compared to their excitement and even exuberance, Jiang Hao at the side seemed to have a much more indifferent attitude.

He was expressionless throughout, not even bothering to look at the Chu family.

But perhaps only Jiang Hao himself knew that at this moment. But perhaps only Jiang Hao himself knew how much pressure he was under in his heart at this moment.

On one side was his own dignity, and on the other side was the success or failure of the project in the south of the city.

Although Jiang Hao was poor in the past, what his mother had taught him since he was a child was that people should have a backbone, and that they should always have dignity and a bottom line, no matter what.

This is something that Jiang Hao will remember almost for the rest of his life.

On the other side of the coin was the success or failure of the City South project.

This was a huge project that his father had invested billions in, and it was the first project he had been given, so of course Jiang Hao wanted to do his best to complete it.

For one thing, Jiang Hao really did not want to disappoint his father's expectations of him.

Secondly, Jiang Hao also wanted to prove to himself that he could do it.

Jiang Hao knew very well that he was surrounded by so many people watching him, and it could be said that the City South project was also about his dignity, so Jiang Hao wanted to defend the City South project as much as he wanted to defend his own dignity.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao moved.

He pushed away the chair in front of him and walked straight towards Chu Yuan.

Seeing such a move from Jiang Hao, Ye Yunjie at the side was simply dumbfounded.

"Young Jiang. What are you doing?" Ye Yunjie wanted to reach out to pull Jiang Hao back and shouted, "Don't do anything stupid, just a few billion, it's not a big deal for us, but you don't even want your dignity?"

However, Ye Yunjie's hand was suddenly and violently pushed away by Jiang Hao.

He looked at Ye Yunjie and faintly shook his head, "Sister Ye, don't worry, I have a number in my own mind."

Have a number? You're going to kneel down for someone and this is called having a number in your heart?

Your father is worth hundreds of billions, just a few billions, just throw it away, why do you still want to kneel down and beg for mercy?

Ye Yunjie was simply furious, she gritted her teeth and went to pull Jiang Hao, but was once again pushed away by the other party.

Finally, with an expression of hatred, she took out her mobile phone with a huff and said, "Victory and defeat are commonplace in a soldier's house, and you're conceding? I'll call your father right now!"

Jiang Hao, however, ignored Ye Yunjie. Instead, he walked straight up to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was half a head taller than Jiang Hao, so Jiang Hao had to lift his head slightly to look at him, his face expressionless.

But at this moment, Chu Yuan seemed to be laughing out loud and said incomparably smugly, "Haha, did you ever think that you would be here today? I know that right now, in your own heart, you must be particularly uncomfortable, right? Haha, you you finally know what it's like, right?"

Chu Yuan laughed playfully, one finger on the ground, smiling smugly, "Hurry up, kneel down for me, as long as you kneel down, say you're wrong and beg me to spare you, I'll spare you!"

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Jiang Hao's face.

However, the smile was full of ridicule and contempt. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao faintly spat out a few words from his mouth, "Asking me to kneel down for you? Oh, you're dreaming!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao raised his hand and slapped. It smacked Chu Yuan's face, and then his expression became stern as he said, "Let me kneel down for you? What were you thinking? Just because you're stuck on the throat of a city south project? Oh, then let me tell you, a mere city south project of a few billion dollars is nothing in my eyes, and you're asking me to kneel down to you because of it? You are crazy, right?"

After saying that Jiang Hao turned around and walked back to Ye Yunjie's side.

And what Jiang Hao just did simply made Chu Yuan dumbfounded.

"You ...... you f*cking ......" Chu Yuan's face that was full of smug smile a second ago. Almost instantly, he was blue in anger, "How dare you f*cking trick me?"

He thought that he had already won and that Jiang Hao would definitely apologize to him on his knees.

But in the end, not only had he failed to achieve his goal, he had also been slapped again!

What a disgrace!

"You don't want to live anymore?" At the side, Chu Zhengting also immediately jumped up from his chair and pointed at Jiang Hao, snarling, "Humph. If you don't kneel down and apologise to us, you can just wait for that bullshit City South project of yours to die in your hands!"

Chu Zhengting had also thought that he would be able to pin Jiang Hao down like a soft persimmon this time, but in the end, he still didn't expect it to end in his heart.

The anger in his heart wasn't much less than Chu Yuan's, after all, it was he who had lost his dignity and knelt down in front of Jiang Hao to pray for his life to be spared.

"Damn it, go to hell ...... let them go to hell!" Chu Zhengting roared loudly, "How dare you be so reckless when you're all about to die, just wait until you die with your Chengnan project!"

Jiang Hao's action really took the Chu family too by surprise, and even Ye Yunjie was stunned at this moment.

She had thought that Jiang Hao was going to kowtow to people and apologise, but she didn't expect that she had still underestimated Jiang Hao too much.

He had more backbone and more courage than she had imagined.

In particular, Jiang Hao's words, "A mere multi-billion dollar project in the south of the city. In my eyes, it's nothing!"

When Jiang Hao said this, it was as if Ye Yunjie had seen Shen Haoting's shadow in that moment.

That kind of disdain, that kind of debauchery. This was the kind of temperament a man should have.

Indeed, in Shen Haoting's eyes, billions of dollars were not even a fart, perhaps which listed company he had under him. The fluctuations in the stock market in a single day would already have so much money, so why bother with this?

And at this moment, Ye Yunjie couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief in her heart. She looked at Jiang Hao and suddenly realised that although she had been in direct contact with him for a short period of time, Jiang Hao's growth during this time was almost visible to the naked eye.

He had gone from a poor boy with no opinion to a bullying president who could now handle things decisively.

He has steeply transformed from a weak and bullyable child into a titanic man who would rather bend than break.

Admittedly, this metamorphosis in Jiang Hao's body is really too fast and too stunning.

Ye Yunjie felt happy from the bottom of her heart to witness this transformation of Jiang Hao.

She also felt more and more that this poor boy, who had been bullied in the past, seemed to be more and more like his father, who was a great killer.

Perhaps there was still a hundred thousand miles between the two, but it seemed that one day, Jiang Hao would reach the height of his father.

At this moment, Ye Yunjie looked at Jiang Hao, her eyes filled with relief.

She said indifferently, "You did the right thing, you didn't need to go soft and admit your fault with such rubbish, because you did nothing wrong!"

Jiang Hao also smiled faintly at Ye Yunjie, he still looked calm, but no one knew how much pressure Jiang Hao was under in his heart at this moment.

Billions of dollars might have gone down the drain because of his decision today.

But the matter has come to this, Jiang Hao has learned not to regret his decision.

Chapter 448

Jiang Hao's expression suddenly cooled down as he looked at the Chu family's father and son who were storming across the room and smiled lightly, "You guys are very angry, aren't you? Oh, you guys think you've got a sure win and that I'll definitely kneel down for you, right? How can you guys be so naive?"

Jiang Hao sneered and continued, "What do you guys think you are? In my eyes, you are just a bunch of flies, rats. I'll kneel down and apologise to you? Do you think you are worthy?"

Suddenly Jiang Hao slapped the table violently and said loudly, "I'll tell you today, and the people behind you, don't be delusional enough to try to scoop up the cake on the City South project, I promise, I'll just let the City South project become a pile of rubble, and I won't let a single stone fall into your pockets!"

In fact, when Jiang Hao saw the Chu family standing in front of him alive and well again, he already felt that there was something wrong here.

Then the Chu family's father and son showed that they had actually acquired a company that was even bigger in volume than their Chu Group. By this point, Jiang Hao also had some understanding.

This matter was definitely not that simple, and perhaps the only people on the table in this matter were the Chu family father and son. But behind these two people, there was probably someone else standing behind them.

That person was like manipulating a puppet on a string, keeping the father and son of the Chu family firmly under his control.

If it wasn't for that, there would be no explanation at all for how the Chu family's company had turned around from being on the brink of bankruptcy to being in a critical situation, and then whaling on a company that was even bigger than itself.

The most important thing, of course, was that as soon as this father and son entered, they showed themselves to be salivating over the City South project, and it was only after blending all this information together that Jiang Hao also concluded that behind this Chu family's father and son, there must be someone else.

That could be a behemoth, an enemy that should not be underestimated.

Jiang Hao understood that his true test seemed to have just begun!

However, the words Jiang Hao had just said had sort of completely broken the Chu family's father and son.

This ending was not even a single f*cking bit like what they had thought!

Chu Yuan was going crazy!

He roared and ranted at Jiang Hao, "Crazy, you're f*cking crazy, just you wait, just you wait. I'll let you talk tough now, and one day sooner or later, you'll have to kneel down and beg me!"

With a grimace on his face, Chu Yuan continued and added, "Hmph, to tell you the truth, do you think I'm really here to negotiate with you today? Bullshit, let me tell you the truth, even if you had just knelt down for me, I would never have let you go, I want you to die, how can I still cooperate with you?"

"Hmph, I'd like to see what you can do next without my Chu family!" As he spoke, Chu Yuan slammed the table and said with a huff, "Dad, let's go, I want to see how long he can still be tough. Damn, you don't care about billions, who do you think you are? I'll see if you really don't care when the time comes!"

As they spoke, the Chu family's father and son got up and walked out in a dusty manner.

Both of them had ugly faces.

Their purpose had not been achieved, but instead they had been slapped by Jiang Hao, how could they swallow such a great shame?

Walking outside in the corridor, Chu Yuan was still snarling in anger, "Damn it, we'll see, we'll see!!!"

In the room, once the Chu family father and son left, Jiang Hao exhaled and sat down on a chair seemingly in a somewhat powerless state.

"Young Jiang, what's wrong with you?" Ye Yunjie busily walked over and asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head slightly, his mind in turmoil as he lifted his head. To Ye Yunjie, he said, "Sister Ye, go nationwide and make sure to find me a company that can work with us!"

Jiang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't they think they had a sure win. Don't they think they've already won? Do they want to eat my flesh and drink my blood? Then I won't let you have your way!"

Ye Yunjie nodded and said, "Now it seems that this is the only way to go, but ...... but we definitely have to have losses, first of all, looking for a partner company, sending letters to negotiate, which all takes time, and finally the engineering equipment will take some time to be transported over. During this period, the money we lose, may ...... be more than imagined ah."

Jiang Hao couldn't help but shake his head and sighed, "Is there a second way for us?"

Yes, there was indeed no other way, the situation was now such that all they could do was to try to make customer service as difficult as possible. Try to keep the project in the south of the city going.

And as soon as the project was completed, then everything they had paid for at this point would all be worth it.

Ye Yunjie nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked: ''Should I inform Mr. Shen about what's going on here? Let him help think of a solution? Mr. Shen has many friends in China, I believe this point should be easily resolved."

Originally, Ye Yunjie had not planned to say this to Jiang Hao.

In fact, when the Chu family's father and son had just made it clear that they had acquired that engineering equipment company, Ye Yunjie had already understood that with their current abilities, it seemed difficult to solve the problem at hand.

So at this point in time, she could only choose to inform Shen Haoting of what was going on here.

After all, what seemed incredibly difficult to them was actually just an insignificant and minor problem in Shen Haoting's eyes.

Perhaps the predicament before them could be solved by Shen Haoting with just a phone call.

And if it were in normal times, Ye Yunjie would not even think of discussing it with Jiang Hao, and would probably have made the decision on her own long ago. She would have made the decision herself and called Shen Haoting directly.

But after what had just happened, and after seeing how Jiang Hao had behaved just now, Ye Yunjie gave up the idea of directly informing Shen Haoting and thought that she should go and discuss the countermeasure with Jiang Hao.

Perhaps. This was the affirmation that Ye Yunjie had for Jiang Hao, deep down in her heart.

After Ye Yunjie finished her words, Jiang Hao seemed for a moment to be somewhat moved by this proposal.

But in a flash, he shook his head. He directly rejected Ye Yunjie's proposal.

"No, there's no need to tell my father about this matter, let's deal with it ourselves." Jiang Hao said in a low tone, "If we have to go to my dad for everything. What else do we need? If I think of counting on my dad for everything, I probably won't grow up for the rest of my life, don't you think so, Sister Ye!"

Jiang Hao's words caused Ye Yunjie to stare in disbelief.

She probably somewhat didn't expect that Jiang Hao would one day say such things to herself.

However, Ye Yunjie was not angry and did not rebuke, but was instead filled with excitement.

Just by Jiang Hao's words, it seemed to have proved that he had grown up and was a man who aspired to be on his own.

Ye Yunjie couldn't help but smile slightly and nodded, "Good, then let's not inform Mr. Shen, let's figure out how to do it."

As they were talking, Ye Yunjie's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Ye Yunjie picked up the phone and then heard an urgent voice on the other end of the line, "Sister Ye, come back to the company quickly, it's not good, something has happened!"

The person who came to the phone was a subordinate of Ye Yunjie's company.

Usually, this person was mature and steady, moreover, he was a sophisticated character, today he even seemed so nervous, of course, Ye Yunjie understood that this seemed to be something really wrong!

"What is it?" Ye Yunjie asked with a nervous face, "What's wrong?"

The man hurriedly said, "Sister Ye, there's a problem with the City South project, and the quality inspection department is here, saying that there's a problem with the quality of our project! They want to suspend our project temporarily to cooperate with the investigation!"

"What?" Ye Yunjie was stunned, somewhat unable to believe that man's words in general, "We have special people to keep an eye on the quality of the project, how could there be problems?"