Super Rich Dad Chapter 151-153

Chapter 151 - Wang Donglin

Seeing the visitor, Wang Jiani instantly looked as if she had suffered much grievance, and directly jumped into the other party's arms, her tears even brushing down.

Wang Jiani cried out, "Dad, this loser is bullying me"

Jiang Hao was caught off guard and became even more disgusted with Wang Jiani, rushing to say, "Can you please tell the truth? Am I bullying you? You're the one who's been scolding me, right?"

This was something that Jiang Hao naturally had to make clear, he didn't want to end up with a reputation of being a bully, and it would be even worse if more people misunderstood him in the future.

Moreover, Jiang Hao was clearly the aggrieved party just now, and he couldn't have suffered so much and been scolded by Wang Jiani so many times, and then turn around and be said to be a bully.

This black pot, Jiang Hao was not willing to carry.

However, Jiang Hao's words didn't seem to have much effect, after all, people were father and daughter.

Although Wang Jiani was capricious, she was his daughter after all.

What's more, Wang Donglin had grown up spoiling this baby daughter of his, so when he suddenly saw his baby daughter crying and telling himself that someone was bullying her, he naturally didn't care what Jiang Hao was saying.

Wang Donglin glared at Jiang Hao with a grim look on his face and questioned with a serious expression, "Who the hell are you? In public, you are blatantly bullying a girl, what the hell are you thinking? I want you to apologise to my daughter immediately!"

Wang Donglin's words simply left Jiang Hao a little speechless.

What kind of father was this? He didn't ask a single question about what his own daughter had just done, he only listened to one side of the story, and didn't ask how things were really like. Just asking himself to apologise to Wang Jiani?

How could such a thing happen under the sun?

Jiang Hao was a bit angry, he could see that the other party seemed to be very rich, but even if you were rich, it didn't mean you were superior and could override others, right?

Jiang Hao sighed, since the other party was so indiscriminate, there was no need to give him a good face and good attitude.

Jiang Hao directly said back, "Apologize? Oh, do you think that's possible? Do you know what just happened? Have you asked what exactly is the problem between us and what your daughter has done? And the moment you show up, you want me to apologise to her? Don't you think that you're being robber baron logical?"

Jiang Hao's string of machine gun-like rhetorical questions made Wang Donglin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, as soon as he walked into the hotel and saw his baby daughter crying, he was so hot-headed that he said those words to Jiang Hao without asking what had happened.

Now, after Jiang Hao had asked a bunch of questions, he had calmed down a bit and could not help but have a few embarrassed expressions on his face.

He had arrived at the hotel with Wang Jiani, but he had first let Wang Jiani down and went to park the car himself, so he didn't know exactly what had happened between Wang Jiani and Jiang Hao.

Wang Donglin scratched his head, hurriedly looked at his baby daughter and asked in a low voice: "That Nini, what's going on? Don't be in a hurry to cry first, tell us what happened first, don't worry, if it's true that you've been wronged, daddy will definitely do you justice!"

Wang Donglin straightened his tie and looked at Jiang Hao with a solemn face, as if how bright and righteous he was.

Wang Jiani looked up at her father, then narrowed her eyes and glared at Jiang Hao, suddenly pointed at him and said, "What else can it be? He bullied me.

As expected, she was lying without a red face or even a shame.

When Jiang Hao heard Wang Jiani's words, he was so angry that he didn't laugh out loud.

This person was not only sinister, but also shameless.

However, when he heard Wang Jiani say this, Wang Donglin didn't even suspect his own daughter, he believed it and really thought that Jiang Hao had taken revenge maliciously because he had plotted against Qin Yun and was exposed by his own daughter.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Hao, his face full of disgust, and his attitude was ice-cold: "Humph, do you have anything to say now? Let me tell you, although Nini is a bit willful at times, her character is definitely good, and she also never lies!"

Wang Donglin was too confident in his daughter, and these words of his simply left Jiang Hao speechless.

Jiang Hao shook his head with a bitter smile and continued to retort, "Mr. Wang, right? May I ask if you have seen with your own eyes the things your daughter has just said? May I ask you how things really are?"

Jiang Hao let out another bitter laugh and continued, "Well, in that case, let me tell you, it's true that your daughter and I went to the same school together, but the reason why we met was because once before, we were at a hot pot restaurant and came across your baby daughter and Qin Yun being harassed by a young hooligan, my friend and I stepped in to save them and even got injured, and only then did we get to know each other. "

"But do you know how your daughter treated me and my friends? We saved her and she came back to us and called us disgusting and slandered us as partners in a trap.

Jiang Hao continued, "Of course, this matter has just begun. First of all, let me make it clear that I have no intention of getting close to your precious daughter, and to be honest, I don't even bother to deal with people like her. However, your daughter has always been unforgiving to me, if you don't believe me, you can go to the music club of Chujiang University and inquire how your baby daughter bullied my girlfriend by virtue of her status as the deputy head of the club, and smashed the guitar I gave to my girlfriend, and the most ridiculous thing is that he even mistook the other guitar I gave to my girlfriend and said it was hers."

"Of course, things all unravelled later, it was she herself who took the wrong guitar, but in the end, she got annoyed and smashed my guitar once again!"

Jiang Hao looked at Wang Donglin and questioned with a smile, "May I ask, is this the so-called baby daughter that you say, can't lie at all?"

Wang Donglin couldn't help but stare at Jiang Hao's words, and then he looked down at Wang Jiani.

He certainly remembered that he had previously gone to Japan to hire a well-known home decorator and incidentally bought a Yamaha guitar for his daughter in Japan.

"Is this this is true?" Wang Donglin asked, looking down at his baby daughter cross-examining her.

Wang Jiani blushed as she was looked at by her own father, because what Jiang Hao had said was all completely true ah.

In addition, Wang Donglin's look, which took away the scrutinising look, directly made her look a bit flustered.

Wang Jiani had always played the good girl in front of her father, but in reality, all of her friends knew that she was faking it all out, just to get her father to give her more pocket money.

Of course, Wang Jia Ni understands that if her father finds out about her outside affairs, and her father's image of her as a good girl collapses, then she will be finished.

Originally, Wang Donglin was a "strict father", and although he doted on her from a young age, he was still very strict if she made a mistake.

As a result, Wang Jiani had developed a double "mask" of one thing in front of her father and one thing outside.

Wang Jiani could not help but feel a little nervous, even thinking about the wrath she would face if her father found out everything.

No, no matter what, she must not let her father know about this, she must return it all to Jiang Hao, she hates him anyway.

Wang Jiani was wise in a hurry and hurriedly pointed at Jiang Hao and said, "Dad, how can you believe his words? Do you know how disgusting this man is? He is notorious in our school."

Wang Jiani then added, "You know, I did have a conflict with him before, but that was because he and his girlfriend were too aggressive and hit me with his guitar, that's why his guitar broke, and you know what, he actually told me that his guitar, is worth more than three million, you say you say woo woo"

The more Wang Jiani said, the more outrageous she became, and before she could finish her sentence, she cried again, and cried as if she was so aggrieved.

At first, when Wang Donglin heard Jiang Hao say so many things as if he had a nose for it, he did get a little suspicious, thinking that there really seemed to be something wrong in this matter.

But just when Wang Jiani said something about the guitar and actually asked Jiang Hao to compensate for three million, Wang Donglin completely didn't believe Jiang Hao anymore.

He said with slight surprise, "What did you say? A guitar costs three million? What kind of guitar is that? Is it made of diamonds? Ridiculous. Excuse me, is it true what my daughter said?"

Wang Donglin suddenly became frivolous towards Jiang Hao and looked at him with a little mockery, wanting him to give him an answer.

He certainly didn't believe in any guitar that was capable of being worth three million.

He had to know that he had opened such a decoration company, and his annual turnover was only tens of millions, and his net profit was only four or five million.

And Wang Donglin looked at Jiang Hao's appearance and thought that the other party was just an ordinary person. If he said that his baby daughter had broken the guitar and it was worth a few thousand dollars, even if it was ten thousand dollars, he would barely believe it.

But if it was said that a person like Jiang Hao could own a guitar worth three million, then he wouldn't believe it to death, because it was simply an outright lie.

It was bullshit.

Originally, Wang Donglin did not have much antipathy towards Jiang Hao, but now that this incident had come out, he was really somewhat disgusted with Jiang Hao.

He felt that this young man was too pompous and full of heart. Jiang Hao's heart was simply in stark contrast to Jiang Hao's unassuming appearance.

From this moment on, he was thoroughly disliking Jiang Hao.

Wang Donglin sneered and looked at Jiang Hao, questioning, "Oh, three million for a guitar, is that something you say?"

Jiang Hao was not condescending, because this was simply the truth, Wang Jiani had smashed his three million dollar guitar.

Jiang Hao nodded: "That's right, when I purchased that guitar, it did cost three million"

As soon as Jiang Hao said this, Wang Donglin burst out with a snort of laughter, "Snort huh, how ridiculous, three million? Could you be any more ridiculous? You have three million? And you have three million, and you went and bought a guitar instead of solving your own living problems?"

Wang Donglin made it clear that he didn't believe Jiang Hao's nonsense and continued, "Young man, you really disappoint me, originally, once I saw your appearance, you are a child from the countryside and would be very simple, so even if you bullied my daughter, I didn't want to pursue you too much, but you are good, you are shameless, you dare to say anything big, seriously, you not only make me feel, but also make me You make me sick! I'd like to know if you're going to say that you're not from the countryside at all? You're a city boy, your family is very rich, you're a rich kid? Oh, otherwise, how else are you going to round up the lie that you spent three million on the guitar?"

"Ignorant, ridiculous!" Wang Donglin pointed at Jiang Hao and shook his head with a bitter smile as he lamented.

Wang Donglin's words really made Jiang Hao feel uncomfortable, because even if you don't believe me, you're simply bad-mouthing people by talking like that.

It seemed that this Wang Donglin, and his precious daughter Wang Jiani, were not much different in essence.

Jiang Hao hummed and said categorically, "If you say so, then I can only tell you that you're right!"

Chapter 152 - We'll see

"It seems that I really didn't misjudge you, you really are such a person." Wang Donglin said, "Well then, speak up, I want to see if you can still say the big sky today, ah?"

Wang Donglin was completely at war with Jiang Hao.

On the one hand, he purely did not like Jiang Hao and wanted to suppress his arrogance, and on the other hand, he wanted to take a bite out of his baby daughter's anger.

After all, Wang Jiani had said how aggrieved she was, and seeing his only baby daughter being bullied like this, Wang Donglin naturally wouldn't be willing to give up.

He just wanted to see what Jiang Hao could say today.

Just bragging? Oh, I just want to see how you can really blow.

"You're right, my family is indeed from the countryside!" Jiang Hao said, "But who tells me that I have to be poor just because I'm from the countryside? Do you look down on people that much?"

Jiang Hao cleared his throat and continued, "That's right, that guitar is indeed worth three million, and there's one more thing that I'm afraid you don't know yet."

Jiang Hao smiled mysteriously, but Wang Donglin was a little disgusted by Jiang Hao's smile and chided, "Hmph, what are you smiling at, tell me, what is it that I don't know? I'd like to see if you can talk through the big sky today."

Jiang Hao didn't give Wang Donglin a chance and continued, "If I'm right, Mr. Wang is here today to talk about a business deal, right? I'm sure Mr. Wang's renovation company is also involved in the bidding for the $70 million villa in Haisheng Yipin, right?"

When Jiang Hao said this, it immediately caused Wang Donglin to be slightly surprised.

He could not believe how Jiang Hao knew about this, as he had only told a very few people around him about the bid.

He looked at Jiang Hao and frowned in surprise, "How did you know?"

Jiang Hao smiled, "How do I know? I'm afraid that Mr. Wang still doesn't know who actually bought that villa, right?"

Jiang Hao's words immediately caused Wang Donglin to reveal a face of consternation again, because he could hear that Jiang Hao's off-screen remark was that he had bought the villa!

"You're not going to say," Wang Donglin said with a frown, "you're not going to say that you bought it, are you?"

Indeed, Jiang Hao's next sentence soon confirmed his suspicions.

"That's right, you answered correctly, that is indeed the property I bought." Jiang Hao smiled and asked rhetorically, "How about that, surprise or not? Surprised or not?"

When Jiang Hao made this statement, it really made Wang Donglin's jaw drop.

"How how is that possible?" Wang Donglin said in amazement.

Obviously, even if he beat Wang Donglin to death, he would not believe that what Jiang Hao said was true.

Seventy million dollars, honestly, even if he had poured out all his money, he wouldn't have that much money.

But Jiang Hao only looked twenty years old, how could he possibly have so much money?

So Wang Donglin bit the bullet and decided that the matter must be a fake.

But he still had some doubts, since what Jiang Hao said was false, then how did he know that he was here today to participate in the bid negotiations?

"Humph, you young man, you're too capable of bullshit, you think I'll believe it just because you casually say so? Do you really think I'm a three-year-old doll?" Wang Donglin said to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao also laughed, posing as if you loved to believe it or not.

But Wang Donglin's heart was actually drumming a little at this point.

Although he did not believe in Jiang Hao's bullshit, but in this kind of matter, one should not be afraid of one thing but just in case.

If what Jiang Hao just said was true, then wouldn't this huge project of his fly away?

At this moment, Wang Donglin couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive in his heart, a little unsettled.

But at this time, Wang Jiani seemed to see her father's dilemma, suddenly thought of something, rushed to speak: "Dad, you do not listen to his nonsense, this kind of person is the next life is impossible to buy that villa, you just listen to his nonsense, to tell you the truth, this person usually in the school, also is the kind of talk does not find the edge, believe in the mouth of people. "

The first time I heard Wang Jiani's words, Wang Donglin seemed to have a little relief in his heart, but still lowered his head and whispered in Wang Jiani's ear, "But daughter, if what he said is false, then how can you explain that he knew about dad's bid for that villa project? You know, Dad has only told a few people about this."

The truth is that I accidentally said that our family company had bid for the villa project, and he probably heard about it and remembered it and came back to bluff you. "

Wang Jiayi said this, Wang Donglin simply dawned on him, in this way, his own doubts can be completely solved ah.

So this was what had happened, he had almost been fooled by Jiang Hao.

But now that the truth was out, he would not continue to spoil Jiang Hao, and his attitude towards him was even closer to the freezing point.

Wang Donglin gave Jiang Hao a disdainful glance and said with a bit of a mocking tone, "Oh, so that's how it is, I guess you heard what Nini said just now, right? I am now really finding out that you are really ridiculous, how dare you lie about anything, why don't you go and say that the whole Chu River is your family's? Why don't you go and say that the whole Chu River is owned by your family? Laughable! Shameful!"

Wang Donglin was verbally abusive towards Jiang Hao, so he could release all the fire he had just suppressed in his heart.

However, in Jiang Hao's opinion, Wang Donglin was the most ridiculous one.

Jiang Hao was also open-minded at this point, so let him say whatever he wanted to say.

Anyway, once we get upstairs later, everything will be revealed, and when the time comes, Jiang Hao would like to see what this father and daughter would have to say.

Besides, at this moment, in Jiang Hao's mind, he had already made an implicit decision that he did not intend to continue to talk to Wang Donglin's company about the renovation.

The other party had treated him in such a manner, so if he continued to talk to them about cooperation, he would be a bit too disgraceful.

Jiang Hao had to find a few more companies to see which company's proposal would satisfy him the most.

However, Jiang Hao did not reject Wang Donglin directly at the front door of the hotel, which would have been too weak and would not have made the other party feel a huge difference.

Jiang Hao smiled, thinking that since this is the case, then simply let Wang Donglin and Wang Jiani go up, let them talk first in a while, and also let them talk about their own proposal, when they all think that eight or nine is not far from the truth, he then appeared, directly denied and rejected them, which will surprise them and make them regret.

Jiang Hao thought in his head about the look on Wang Donglin's and Wang Jiani's father and daughter's faces as they begged themselves in agony by then, and simply found it all amusing.

Jiang Hao collected his thoughts and looked up at Wang Donglin and Wang Jiani's father and daughter, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Believe it or not, but I want to tell you that your company will definitely not be able to take on this project, if you don't believe me, we'll see."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Hao turned his head towards the direction of the lift, he turned his head back and said his last words to Wang Donglin: "See you later!"

But Jiang Hao's words, in Wang Donglin's ears, simply became an unadulterated joke.

He looked at Jiang Hao's back, his eyes were full of disdain and mockery.

"Heh, to this day, still blowing it? It's ridiculous, what the hell is this kind of person thinking?" Wang Donglin skimmed his mouth and said, "Simply unbelievable!"

Wang Donglin simply ignored Jiang Hao, patted Wang Jia Ni's shoulder and said, "Ni Ni, let's go, no need to deal with such people in the future, today Daddy will take you to see the world!"

As they spoke, the father-daughter duo also walked towards the lift on the other side.

The lift on Wang Donglin's side was obviously faster than the one on Jiang Hao's side, and as soon as the lift arrived, the father and daughter hurriedly got on it.

Soon, the lift on Jiang Hao's side also came, but just as Jiang Hao was about to get on the lift, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and Jiang Hao looked at the number, but it was Xue Yuning calling!

Chapter 153 - The relatives are here

Jiang Hao hurriedly picked up the phone, "Hey Yu Ning ah, what's up?"

Jiang Hao didn't pick up Xue Yuning's call without looking happy.

But Xue Yuning on the other end of the phone seemed to be a bit desperate to say something.

"Jiang Jiang Hao where are you?" Xue Yu Ning asked hesitantly.

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, I came to talk to the decoration company about the villa decoration today, because I came out in a hurry, I didn't tell you, what are you doing? Why don't I give you the address and you come too, anyway"

Jiang Hao laughed awkwardly and said with some embarrassment, "We'll be living in the villa in the future, so of course you, the hostess, will have to give us some advice on the style of decoration."

Jiang Hao said this from the bottom of his heart, knowing that in his heart he was still blaming himself for forgetting about Xue Yuning.

After all, he had bought the villa for Xue Yuning, so he had to consult Xue Yuning on what kind of style he wanted to decorate it into.

If the final decision on the decoration was made by himself, what if Xue Yuning didn't like the final decoration style?

Jiang Hao sighed and hurriedly said with a smile again, "This way, Yu Ning, wait for me, I'll take a taxi to pick you up"

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone and walk out of the hotel.

But just as he took a step, he heard Xue Yuning on the other end of the phone say, "No, Jiang Hao, I'm actually calling you because I want to bother you with something."

Xue Yuning had something else?

Jiang Hao froze for a moment, then smiled and said to Xue Yuning, "Hey, what are you talking about Yuning, between the two of us, what's the matter, what are you talking about trouble or not, just say it to me directly, I will definitely do my best to help you, what is it, just say it."

With Jiang Hao's words, Xue Yuning seemed to have some bottom in her heart, and then said, "This is the case, in the next two days, I have some distant relatives coming to Chujiang, but you know, my mother is in hospital, and the family house was sold before, I"

Xue Yu Ning hesitated a bit, but finally said, "I want to beg you to help me arrange it, because I really don't have that ability anymore."

Jiang Hao nodded and smiled, "I thought it was something big, don't worry, I'll take care of it, I'll make sure it's done properly for you."

Hearing Jiang Hao's words of certainty, Xue Yuning was touched to the core.

In fact, she couldn't help it, she really didn't have any condition to receive guests now, she and her mother were not even able to have a stable main group, and the economy was even more stretched, not to mention entertaining guests.

But when people say they want to come over, Xue Yuning can't refuse.

Xue Yu Ning also knows one thing more clearly, that is, these so-called relatives who come to visit are not here to visit her mother, but, frankly speaking, to ask for debts.

Xue Yu Ning's mother had been ill for so many years that Xue Yu Ning had not only sold everything she could at home, but had also borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends outside.

However, Xue Yuning had never mentioned these things to Jiang Hao at all.

Xue Yu Ning knew Jiang Hao's character very well, if this matter was known to him, Jiang Hao would definitely scramble to help her pay off her debts.

Although Xue Yuning knew that Jiang Hao was rich, the money was his after all, and no one's money comes from the wind.

The debt repayment matter, Xue Yu Ning straight want to carry it on their own, do not want to tell Jiang Hao.

Perhaps in Xue Yu Ning's opinion, this is her last bit of face.

She didn't want others to think that she was a person who relied on Jiang Hao for everything and was shameless.

But at the moment, Xue Yuning was really powerless to entertain her relatives.

She could only turn to Jiang Hao for help, although as a result, she was also very torn and uneasy in her heart.

But it was true, as Jiang Hao had said, that Xue Yuning still regarded herself as an outsider.

In Jiang Hao's opinion, the matter that Xue Yuning mentioned was the most trivial thing.

It was just a matter of receiving a few relatives, and wasn't Xue Yuning's relatives also her own relatives?

Jiang Hao smiled as he agreed and said, "Alright, I'll arrange this in a moment, don't worry about Yu Ning."

Jiang Hao followed up by saying, "Well, leave this matter to me, it's said to be approved. Now you wait for me in front of the school, I'll take a taxi back to pick you up, wait a while we will go to see the decoration company later."

Xue Yuning had wanted to say no, but before she could say anything, Jiang Hao had already hung up the phone.

She sighed helplessly and could only meekly change her clothes.

In fact, Xue Yuning was also helpless, although she liked Jiang Hao very much and wanted to treat him as her own.

But she didn't know why, she always had a feeling that there seemed to be a kind of divide between herself and Jiang Hao, she always wanted to get closer to Jiang Hao, but she could not let go.

In fact, when she first came into contact with Jiang Hao, when she did not know that Jiang Hao was a rich second generation, this feeling of isolation in Xue Yu Ning's heart was not so strong.

But after Jiang Hao's showdown, it seems that this feeling of detachment was suddenly erected in her heart, and she herself could clearly feel that she sometimes, consciously or unconsciously, began to reject Jiang Hao.

She did not want Jiang Hao to do too much for her, did not want to owe Jiang Hao too much, did not want Jiang Hao's contribution

In short, she did not want others to feel as if she had followed Jiang Hao because of his money.

This pressure of public opinion was a bit overwhelming for Xue Yuning, who was already an introvert.

She sometimes knew that it seemed a bit unfair to Jiang Hao for her to do this.

But there was nothing she could do about it, this was perhaps her own personality.

Xue Yu Ning let out a long sigh and after changing her clothes, she walked out of the dormitory

On the other hand, Jiang Hao walked out of the Grand Hyatt Hotel while stopping a taxi, and after giving his address, he hurriedly made another phone call to Qiao San.

When Qiao San suddenly received a call from Jiang Hao, he was simply flattered.

"Mr Jiang, you've arrived? Wait a moment, I'll go down and pick you up myself."

Qiao San's attitude was very respectful, since Jiang Hao had almost been beaten up by his own son last time, he had become more cautious in what he did, fearing that something might go wrong.

So yesterday, after Jiang Hao called him and said he wanted to use his hotel to receive a few people from the renovation company, Qiao San, without saying a word, directly asked someone to vacate one of the best private rooms in the Howlite Hotel.

And in his heart, he was also ready to serve Jiang Hao at any time.

But Jiang Hao hurriedly said, "No, no, no, you don't need to pick me up, I'm calling you just to let you know that I have something to do and I'm leaving first, there are two people from the decoration company going up later, so you can talk to them first and ask them to leave the decoration plan."

"You're not coming?" Qiao San had my company surprised, because he but not only reserved a best private room for the two, even the noon banquet was ready.

In Qiao San's view, this was a rare opportunity for him to get closer to Jiang Hao directly, so naturally he couldn't let it go.

But at this moment, he felt a bit like he was sticking his hot face on a cold ass, simply embarrassed.

It seemed that all his careful preparations had gone to waste.

Qiao San couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, Jiang Hao hurriedly went on to say, "No, no, no, I'm not saying I won't go, I have some things to do, I'll leave temporarily later, you do this, take a look at their design plan and stay for a while, then wait for me to go back."

In fact, Jiang Hao meant to let Qiao San tangle with these two people for a while longer, after all, he was just going back to pick up someone and come back after turning his head.

Jiang Hao was still thinking that he would go and smack Wang Donglin and Wang Jiani, the arrogant father and daughter, in the face later.

But this was understood by Qiao San to mean: let them put the design down and then they could leave.

Moreover, in fact, Qiao San had his own plans in the matter of Jiang Hao's house renovation.

He himself had several friends who were decoration companies, so after hearing that Jiang Hao had bought a 70 million dollar villa, Qiao San did not say anything to Jiang Hao, but secretly got through to several of his friends and asked them to come up with a final proposal as soon as possible as well.

This was nothing more than running out of ways to curry favour with Jiang Hao.

"Okay, don't worry, I understand, then I'll go down and pick you up myself later?" Qiao San said cautiously.

Jiang Hao said, "No need, I'll go up myself later."

After saying that, Jiang Hao hung up the phone.

On the other hand, at the other end of the phone, Qiao San was once again excited.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of Qiao San's office.

Outside the door was the secretary's voice: "Mr. Qiao, the guest you reserved a private room for has arrived."

Qiao San answered, saying that he knew, and hurriedly got up to head there.

As he got up, Qiao San seemed to suddenly think of something and said to his secretary again, "Oh yes, you go and call Qiao Dong over as well."

The secretary answered and hurriedly went to recruit the office.

Qiao San had his own considerations when he asked his secretary to call Qiao Dong.

Last time, Qiao Dong had offended Jiang Hao by being too arrogant, and although Jiang Hao had later said that he would not pursue the matter, it was still like a big mountain weighing down on Qiao San's heart.

Of course, he knew that he could not afford to offend Jiang Hao, the son of Shen Haoting, with his own abilities.

Therefore, he had always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to explain this matter clearly.

In the recent period, because of the last incident and his own discipline, Qiao Dong had already reformed his mind and knew how big a mistake he had made before, and he even said that he should take the initiative to apologise to both of them and admit his mistake.

Everything was ready, all that was missing was an opportunity, and well, now the opportunity had come.

A few minutes later, at the entrance of the private room.

Qiao San didn't wait for Qiao Dong and pushed the door directly in.

At this moment in the private room, Wang Donglin looked a little excited, because he was already very curious as to what kind of big shot had funded 70 million dollars in one breath to buy such a luxurious villa.

And most crucially, he was very keen to take the project this time.

You have to know that the financial strength of the person who has the strength to buy a villa of more than 70 million is certainly not simple.

And according to normal human thinking, since they have all bought such an expensive villa, the decoration will already be more socially atmospheric.

Wang Donglin, the director of a renovation company, knew this very well.

Having handled countless such projects in the past, he was even more clear in his mind that this time, the flow of water from the project alone might be estimated to be more than 10 million.

And if he successfully operated this project, it was estimated that he could end up with several million in net profit.

Wang Donglin's decoration company is not small, but the ceiling of the industry is not too high, so it looks like his company's annual turnover is tens of millions of dollars, but in reality, the profit he receives is only about three to four million dollars per year on average.

And if this project could be successfully taken by himself, it would be almost like, doubling his income this year.

How could Wang Donglin not be tempted by such a huge profit motive?

Wang Jiani, who was sitting beside Wang Donglin at the moment, looked even more excited.

Because at this moment, in her heart, she was still fantasising about something.

She had heard that the person who bought the villa was a young tycoon, and she had also heard that the other party was very handsome and handsome

Handsome, handsome, and so rich!

When she thought of this, Wang Jiani's heart beat faster and she subconsciously pushed her shoulder straps to the sides.