My Dreamy Doctor Chapter 309-310

 Chapter 309

Because his fist had landed solidly on Li Hang's chest!

        With this punch, he had used at least 70% of his strength!

        Guo Feng immediately took two steps back, his body leaping up high and regaining his previous position.

        Guo Feng once again clenched his fist tightly, his aura rising again and again!

        "You're lucky! This is the first time in over ten years that I've had to use my full strength!"

        "It's an honour for you to die under my full power!"

        The moment the words fell, Guo Feng suddenly let out a furious roar, "Running Thunder Fist!"

        The sound of thunder!

        A sound similar to lightning striking spread through the air!

        Under the gaze of the surrounding crowd, Guo Feng transformed into a polar shadow and charged towards Li Hang with a devastating force!

        A punch!

        This punch would surely smash Li Hang's chest!


        The powerful sound caused the crystal headlamp in the living room ceiling to shake violently!

        The crashing sound of the crystal lamp hadn't stopped yet.

        The plaintive voice of Li Hang was heard again, "That's your second move, right?"

        Liang Shicheng was so shocked that he hurriedly took two steps back!

        Guo Feng's full force strike had no effect at all on Li Hang!

        How could this be possible?

        His eyes must have been mistaken!

        At that moment, Guo Feng bounced up once more and landed in his original position.

        "Heh heh heh, hahahaha, you've completely pissed me off!"

        "So far, all the people who have angered me have died!"

        "Tonight you will be no exception!"

        The aura on Guo Feng's body skyrocketed!

        Every muscle in his upper body swelled with it!

        "I will use my strongest killing move to deal with you."

        "You should feel lucky to die under this move!"

        "Die ah ah ah ah ah!"

        Guo Feng was like a heavy tank, "thump, thump, thump" as he rushed towards Li Hang.


        The sound of a crisp slap.

        Guo Feng's powerful killing move was suddenly drained by a slap from Li Hang.

        At that moment, one could hear Li Hang say in an impatient voice.

        "Didn't your two brothers tell you that your mouth stinks?"

        "You ate garlic tonight, didn't you?"

        "Besides, the Running Thunder Fist is not like that."

        As he spoke, Li Hang's five fingers suddenly twisted into a fist.



        A thunderclap suddenly exploded outside the window!

        The roar of lightning instantly drowned out Guo Feng's miserable screams.

        However, everyone in the room saw that the underground boxing champion's body suddenly bowed up.

        Like a cooked shrimp!

        The muscles in his back suddenly exploded!

        Blood splattered!

        Guo Feng had an incredulous look on his face!

        He couldn't understand why this silent kid in front of him had defeated him so easily.

        "You, who the hell are you?"

        Li Hang reached out and pressed Guo Feng's head, slapping him to the side with one hand.

        Li Hang looked at Liang Shicheng whose legs were already trembling.

        "Old man, now can we continue that topic just now?"

        Although Liang Shicheng was shocked by the power that Li Hang had just displayed, he still held himself together.

        "Don't think that after you defeated Guo Feng, my Liang family is no one!"

Chapter 310

"Is there anyone else in your Liang family?"

        "If there is, hurry up and call him out, a phone call will do."

        "I'm going back to the hotel to video my wife now, after ten my wife is going to bed."

        Liang Shicheng glared angrily, "Do you think you can succeed in your treacherous plan by tricking the three great masters of our family away? I'll have them back now!"

        "The three great experts you are talking about, are they the ones?"

        As soon as Li Hang's words fell, three junior brothers immediately lifted up the three middle-aged men.

        That action was like lifting a rabbit.

        The junior brothers threw the three middle-aged men, who were completely limp and covered in injuries, in front of Liang Shicheng.

        Liang Shicheng's mouth couldn't be closed!


        This was not real!

        This must be a dream!

        Liang Shicheng slapped the housekeeper with his backhand!

        Hearing the butler's wail and the tingling sensation coming from his palm made Liang Shicheng's entire body finally go limp.

        "Master, Master!"

        Li Hang walked up to Liang Shicheng who was being held by his bodyguard.

        He pulled out a crumpled contract from his pocket and said, "Sign the contract and let's forget about this matter."

        Liang Shicheng merely scanned it and closed his eyes in despair.

        How could this be a contract?

        This was simply a bullying clause.

        It was clearly written on the contract paper that Li Hang would buy the entertainment company that the Liang family had worked so hard to run for one dollar!

        One dollar!

        The market value of his Liang family's entertainment company was at least 10 billion dollars!

        But when things came to this point, if they didn't sign it, their family would be exterminated!


        The next morning, Gu Yanxi and his agent arrived at the Star's Edge Entertainment Company.

        "Gu Yanxi, you bitch, how dare you have the face to come here!"

        He had just entered the general manager's office. General Manager Ruan Dabao immediately slapped his desk and cursed.

        "Look at what you've done, you bastard!"

        Ruan Dabao angrily walked over towards Gu Yanxi.

        Fang Wenwen immediately opened her arms and blocked in front of Gu Yanxi.

        Fang Wenwen said loudly, "General Manager, we're not here to argue with you today!"

        As she spoke, Fang Wenwen took out a thick contract from her bag.

        She plucked up her courage and turned to Ruan Dabao: "This is our family Yanxi's contract with your company for termination!"

        "Termination of contract?" Ruan Dabao suddenly let out a loud laugh when he heard it.

        "Hahahaha! You've been kicked in the fucking head by a donkey!"

        "Gu Yanxi was pushed up step by step from the bottom by our company, without our company, she would still be just a country girl working in a small restaurant!"

        Ruan Dabao pressed closer step by step.

        Fang Wenwen shielded Gu Yanxi and backed away inch by inch.

        "You want to terminate your contract with the company now based on a few pieces of ragged paper, is it that simple!?"

        "Do you know how much money we've spent on her?"

        Ruan Dabao stepped forward and yanked Fang Wenwen to the side, staring straight at Gu Yanxi.

        "I'm telling you, unless you can sell this flesh of yours right now for a billion I'll give you your release immediately."

        Gu Yanxi clenched her hands into fists, "Isn't the money I've made for the company over the years enough?"

        "Who are you to make me give you that much money? You didn't even spend much on me in the first place!"

        Ruan Dabao smiled contemptuously as he took out a document from his desk drawer.

        "He slammed it down on the coffee table.

        "These accounts are the various expenses our company has spent on you over the years, look at them yourselves."

        Fang Wenwen hurriedly opened the folder, and after flipping through a few pages, she screamed.

        "Impossible! There can't be this much!"

        "These accounts are all fake, they were all created by you guys on purpose."

        "When Yanxi first came in, you guys didn't pay any attention to it."

        "It was only after she sneaked into a singing competition on her own once and won a prize that you guys started packaging her."

        "It was all on her own that she was able to get where she is now!"

        Fang Wenwen pointed to a piece of paper, "All these songs on it, we composed them ourselves."