My Dreamy Doctor Chapter 264-266

 Chapter 264

It was also a move that every Protector had to learn!

        The Protector's body flickered and in the blink of an eye, his person had already appeared in front of Li Hang.

        His bushel-like palm even brought a harsh wind sound and slapped Li Hang's face fiercely.

        "Bang!" This palm of the Protector member was easily received by Li Hang's palm.

        The palm of his hand flipped.

        The wind rose and the clouds swelled.

        Li Hang's hand actually made the exact same pose as the Protector's member.

        He swayed slightly, and then, with an even swifter force, he heavily smacked the Protector's chest!


        The garment burst!

        Blood spurted!

        The Protector's bones shattered and his muscles crumbled!

        He was killed instantly!

        Throwing the rotten meat-like Protector to the side, Li Hang continued to walk forward.

        In a flash, the remaining 11 Dharma Guardians killed Li Hang from different directions at the same time!




        Inside the warehouse, it was instantly like a large car accident scene.

        One after another.

        Like the sound of two speeding cars crashing into each other.

        It reverberated wildly throughout the warehouse!

        Li Hang only used one move, the "Paiyun Palm".

        He killed them one by one with the best move of the Protector.

        No one could stop them!

        And no one could receive a single move!

        Before Wu Wentao could react, the twelve members of the Protector's team had fallen to the ground like trash, without a sound.

        Wu Wentao was so frightened that he hid behind the sofa and cried out, "Wu Shan! Wu Shan! You hurry up and get him to death!"

        Wu Shan suddenly disappeared from the corner at this time, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Li Hang.

        The wind, a cold wind, blew in through the window next to him and wrapped around Li Hang's body at the same time.

        Wu Shan looked at Li Hang with an icy gaze, "Young man, your strength is not weak, may I ask where your division is?"

        "You, don't deserve to know."

        Li Hang said indifferently.

        Then, Li Hang looked around at Li Erniu and the others who had already stood up, "Did you all see clearly the stance I used to beat the dog just now?"

        Li Erniu and the others all stared at Li Hang's every detail and movement with rapt attention.

        Li Hang continued, "Paiyun Palm, it's considered a lower ninth-rate move in the jianghu."

        "You can purchase a copy for five dollars at the entrance of a small bookstore at a ground stall."

        "Since you've all been defeated by this lowly move today, I'll teach it live by the way."

        "And let you all learn a lesson, remember that there are people outside of people, and there is a heaven outside of heaven, don't look at the world with dog's eyes, but with your hearts!"


        Accompanied by a roar from Wu Shan, powerful air currents burst out from his body.


        The clothes on Li Hang's body, as well as his hair, were blown by the strong wind!

        Wu Shan had struck!

        In the blink of an eye, Wu Shan disappeared from the view of Li Erniu and these people.

        Waves of Qi that were like clouds rolling over came in a mountainous wave from Li Hang's front.

        Waves of Qi tumbled!

        The windows!

        Even in the corners, some artifacts!

        They were all blown and rattled!


        This swift blow from Wu Shan landed heavily on Li Hang's chest!

        And Li Hang was still standing there, his face expressionless.

        He still used the same bland tone he had just used, "You all watch this, although the lower ninth grade is lower ninth grade, if used well, it is also capable of being used to kill dogs."

Chapter 265

"From now on, this Paiyun Palm will be renamed as Dog Beating Fist."

        With that, Li Hang's hand abruptly appeared in front of Wu Shan's chest.

        That originally open palm was instantly clenched into a fist.

        The five fingers flung, the fist wind suddenly rose, and the fist sounded thunderous!


        A punch, just a punch.

        The moment Li Hang's fist struck Wu Shan's chest, the muscles and bones behind Wu Shan's back, instantly burst!

        His person was like a kite with a broken string as he flew backwards.

        He landed heavily not far next to Wu Wentao.


        "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

        Wu Wentao doubted that his eyes had seen wrong.

        He even reached out and slapped his face, "I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming! How could such a thing happen!"

        Li Hang was already standing in front of Wu Wentao at this time.

        He was standing high above him, like a mountain peak rising from the ground, towering and poking straight up into the clouds!

        "I've given you a chance before, but you didn't cherish it, since that's the case, let's end it."

        "Don't move!"

        At this moment, Wu Shan suddenly let out a shout.

        He was holding Xu Muqing by the throat.

        With blood in his mouth, his face was cold and gloomy!

        Li Hang's face froze, "You dare?"

        "Hmph, there is nothing in this world that our Wu family wouldn't dare to do!"

        Wu Shan reached out and pulled out a dagger, throwing it to the ground.

        "Kid, if you dare to act rashly, I will crush your wife's neck immediately!"

        The air in the entire factory seemed to cool instantly.

        An unprecedented killing intent permeated the surroundings.

        Xiao Sa!


        Li Hang's gaze burned as he stared at Wu Shan: "If you dare to hurt her even a bit, I will immediately exterminate your Wu clan."

        "Arrogant and cocky brat, the initiative is now in our hands!"

        Wu Shan looked at Wu Wen Tao.

        "Third son, pick up the dagger and stab him."

        The peaks and troughs!

        Wu Wentao, who had been scared shitless, hastily picked up the dagger from the ground.

        "Hahahaha! Let you bastard be arrogant with this Duke!"

        "Now it's my lord's turn!"

        As he spoke, Wu Wentao Li grabbed the dagger with both hands and stabbed it fiercely at Li Hang's chest!

        At once, Li Hang's body, trembled slightly.

        No one had expected that Li Hang would just stand there, allowing Wu Wentao to stab his body.

        Crystalline tears, poured down.

        Xu Muqing was unable to speak as her throat was being choked by the other party, and her eyes were filled with pain and regret.

        Li Hang, on the other hand, looked at Xu Muqing, but smiled.

        Wu Shan stared at Li Hang, "It looks like this woman is really very important to you."

        "She is the person I love the most in my life, and I can give up everything for her."

        Every word that Li Hang uttered was deeply imprinted on Xu Muqing's heart.

        "Then you will die for this woman!" Wu Shan shouted fiercely, "Third Gongzi do it."


        Stabbing hard with force!

        But, the stab couldn't go in!

        Li Hang's chest was like stone, a block of iron!

        At that moment, Li Hang's hand, gently landed on Wu Wentao's shoulder.

        Seeing that Li Hang was slow to fall, Wu Shan couldn't help but ask, "Third Prince, what's wrong?"

        The moment the words fell.

        Wu Wentao collapsed.

        Without warning!

Chapter 266

Like a soft meat without bones!

        It collapsed to the ground.

        Wu Shan's pupils instantly dilated!

        The Li Hang in his line of sight, disappeared!


        A finger.

        It pierced through the air.

        The sound that broke through the air caused the ears of the surrounding people to hurt a little.

        Just in the gap of Wu Shan's daze, this finger, pressed against the door of his head.

        Immediately, Wu Shan's whole body trembled violently, and the hand that was pinching Xu Muqing, also loosened.

        Immediately afterwards, his head felt like it had been hit by a bullet, and his body leaned back and exploded instantly.

        The red and white stuff splattered all over the place.

        Xu Muqing, who had escaped from the tiger's mouth, hurriedly opened her arms and threw herself into Li Hang's embrace, hugging him tightly.


        Li Hang suddenly called out.

        Xu Muqing hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you with my hug?"

        Li Hang nodded, "Mmm, it hurts."

        "Where, quickly let me see."

        Xu Muqing hurriedly reached out and went to undo Li Hang's clothes.

        When she lifted up the T-shirt on Li Hang's body, she caught a glimpse of Li Hang's eight abs as hard as steel and his firm chest.

        However, Xu Muqing searched and searched, looked and looked, but she just didn't find any wound on it.

        "Strange? He clearly stabbed the knife into you just now, why is there no wound?"

        "There is, look carefully, it's here."

        Said Li Hang, pointing to the left side of his heart.

        Xu Muqing brought her whole face closer, "No, I don't see it, where is it?"

        Xu Muqing was so nervous, so nervous that she didn't even notice that the corner of Li Hang's mouth had now curled up.

        The corner of Li Hang's mouth that had curled up was now outlined with a bad smile, "Ehhhh! It hurts!"

        "Ah! Did it hurt you?"

        Xu Muqing hurriedly used her slender, jade-like fingers to reach over and gently caress Li Hang's chest.

        The moment of contact, the two people couldn't help but tremble and their whole bodies felt like they were being electrified.

        After the panic passed, Xu Muqing soon understood.

        This bad guy, Li Hang, was teasing her.

        Xu Muqing lifted her head and gave Li Hang an unpleasant glance.

        However, she was relieved that Li Hang was not hurt.

        Xu Muqing said softly in a modest voice, "Don't take any more risks in the future, what if his knife really gets stuck in?"

        "Whether his knife gets in or not."

        "I would do anything to save you."

        "And what I just said, I meant it."

        "Mm, I know."

        Xu Muqing blushed shyly and snuggled her body tightly into Li Hang's embrace.

        At the same time, she made up her mind.

        Thinking about it, her cheeks grew redder and hotter ......

        Xu Haoran was hospitalised.

        He had broken two ribs and was lying in a hospital bed, "babbling".

        The mother-in-law, who had always punched and kicked Xu Haoran in the daytime, was a very good sport.

        This time, on the contrary, she was very caring to Xu Haoran.

        In order to take care of Xu Haoran, at night, Liu Yufen and Xu Xiaoyang simply moved into the hospital.

        For a while, Li Hang and Xu Muqing were the only two people left in the large villa.

        Li Hang finished his shower, his sturdy and toned upper body bare.

        As he wiped his hair with a dry towel, he looked at Xu Muqing, who was already lying on the bed, in surprise.

        Normally, Xu Muqing was still at work at this hour, why was she lying in bed so early today?

        Li Hang didn't think too much about it, and after a brief wipe, he gently approached.

        Turn off the light.

        Then lifted the corner of the quilt and lay in.