My Dreamy Doctor Chapter 1596

 "Unfortunately, your so-called Time Arbitration Tribunal is no more than that."

        "You, the Time Ghost, are only a bluff."

        "How dare you slander Time Arbitration! Do you know that every word you say now will reach the Time Arbitration headquarters truthfully?"

        "When that happens, it won't be just me who comes, but a whole enforcement team!"

        Li Hang stretched out his hand to pick his nose and said with a smile, "Let them come for good, if they don't, I'll instead feel that something is missing."

        As he spoke, Li Hang's five fingers slowly opened.

        Immediately afterwards, the man saw to his horror that a black tornado appeared in the middle of Li Hang's palm.

        And inside this tornado, lightning flashed!

        "You, you, how did you manage to do that? This can't be, this must be an illusion, it must be an illusion that you tricked me."

        Li Hang stretched out his left hand and slapped the man lightly in the air, only to hear a "pop" sound, and a red slap appeared on the man's face.

        "Does it hurt? You should know now that you're not dreaming."

        The smile on Li Hang's face remained unchanged, and he now appeared to be very patient.

        It was because he had never come into contact with time ghosts before, let alone knowing that there was still the existence of the so-called Time Arbitration Tribunal.

        The unknown would make Lihang feel curious, and at the same time there was a fear of the unknown.

        And only after real contact did Lihang understand that the energy of these people was actually the same in essence as his.

        Lihang said, "This black tornado and black lightning are just a figurative manifestation of dark matter."

        "There is no way for such things to defeat me, and there is another thing I must remind you of."

        As Li Hang said this, the speed of his speech gradually slowed down, and moreover, the tone of his voice became increasingly cold.

        At the same time, there was a terrifying aura that the man had never felt before, which came out.

        At this moment, Li Hang was just standing on the school grass as usual, but the feeling he gave to the man in front of him was like he had instantly become incomparably taller.

        An overwhelming pressure that made the boys unable to breathe came overwhelmingly, as if someone had extended a large invisible hand and pressed his entire body to the ground.

        Li Hang's side was like heavenly thunder, exploding in the middle of the man's mind, reverberating and reverberating over and over again.

        I only heard Li Hang say, "The so-called arbitration institute you speak of, I have not heard of it, nor am I interested in knowing about it."

        "But I hope those of you who think you are right and don't know the sky is the limit will get one thing clear."

        "I am a Chinese, and I abide by all the laws of our country, but all arbitration against me, outside of our Chinese country, is null and void."

        "If you presume to jump in front of me and say how you want to arbitrate and punish. Then, I hope you are prepared to be arbitrated by me."

        "And normally, I don't just step in and hit someone. But once I do strike, the consequences of that would definitely be more than this so-called arbitration of yours could bear."

        The man lying on the ground struggled bitterly, and he raised his head as hard as he could, staring straight at Li Hang and said, "Do you think we only have one arbitration institute?"

        "We represent the will of the entire universe, and you, you are just a tiny piece of sand in this universe."