I Give Up Trying Chapter 94-96

 Chapter 94

Lin Fan was unaware of Bai's suspicions.

        Right now!

        In the TCM treatment room, after Lin Fan finished speaking about his illness, several TCM experts beside him, couldn't hold back any longer!

        "Dr. Lin, don't you feel that you are being too arbitrary? As far as I know, Phlebotomy is an extremely difficult disease to diagnose worldwide!"

        At this moment, an expert in Chinese medicine was the first to step forward and question.

        "Globally, only the Royal London Hospital in Eagle Country has diagnosed and cured a single case! It was the first case of the disease in the world, named after the patient's name, Flynn Locke!"

        "Now, how can you conclude that it's a Phlebotomy without a look and feel and without instrumentation!"

        This Chinese medicine expert, obviously, knows about this disease.

        At the moment, the refutation is in order.

        And after hearing this expert's explanation!


        All the viewers in Jiang City before the live TV broadcast also completely exploded.

        "Oh my God, so that's how it was! So, Filinock's disease is one of the most difficult diseases in the world to diagnose!"

        "Yes! Do you understand this Dr. Lin? I'm afraid you're just talking nonsense, right?"

        "That's right, a disease only diagnosed and cured by the Royal Eagle Hospital, I'm afraid it has been tested by numerous sophisticated instruments, but what about him? Just a glance? Isn't that a lie?"


        Many of the Jiang City audience were completely furious at this moment.

        One by one, they were accusing the Divine Doctor Lin.

        Just at this moment!

        They were shocked to find that even though he was accused by the Chinese medicine expert, the doctor was still calm and relaxed.

        He looked straight at the questioning TCM expert, and then indifferently said.

        "I know, because I cured that case!"


        Hearing Lin Fan's words, several TCM experts around him were confused, and all the viewers in front of the TV set were also dumbfounded.

        He cured it?

        At the Royal Eagle State Hospital?

        What a joke.

        They have never heard that there is such a thing as traditional Chinese medicine in the Royal Eagle Hospital.

        Isn't this lying with their eyes open?

        One time!

        The atmosphere in the TCM treatment room was oppressive and bizarre.

        Those few TCM specialists were completely out of anger.

        "Good! Yes! Dr. Lin, you are really a miracle doctor who has even been to the Royal Eagle Hospital.

        The Chinese medicine expert was furious, and after he finished speaking, he took off his mask, and then said to Gao Zhiyuan.

        "Gao Lao, sorry, I can't serve this kind of braggart, goodbye!"


        This Chinese medicine expert, in fact, just brushed his sleeves away.

        Not just him!

        The audience was dumbfounded.

        The remaining few TCM experts also took off their masks one after another, and their faces were filled with anger.

        "Gao Lao, I'm sorry, but this kind of bragger is not worthy of being called a TCM practitioner! I'm out too!"

        "And me, it's okay to be late, but I'm full of nonsense, what kind of doctor is this person!"


        At this moment, one TCM expert after another, left straight away.

        In the blink of an eye, only Lin Fan and Gao Lao were left in the entire TCM treatment room.


        Gao Lao was still in a state of bewilderment until everyone left.

        He had never thought that such a situation would occur.

        Only, Lin Fan didn't care in the slightest.

        To him, being surrounded by a bunch of drunken sacks was the most boring thing.

        "Three inch millipin, seven!"

        "Five inch needles, three!"

        "Seven inch needle, one!"


        Lin Fan said calmly as he pressed several acupuncture points of the old man in front of him.

        And hearing this!

        The old man was shocked, and with little hesitation, nodded his head and said.


        After saying that, Gao Lao immediately got ready.

        This scene, in the eyes of the many spectators, made them all confused, no one thought that after all the Chinese medicine expert assistants had left, Gao Lao still did not hesitate to choose to believe this surnamed Lin.


        After seeing Lin massaging the acupuncture points, all of us wondered if he could really cure them.

Chapter 95

"No! Those expert assistants, which one of them is not proficient in Chinese medicine, those people say that this surname Lin is bragging, that's definitely bragging!"

        "Exactly! Now, in my opinion, this Lin is purely acting!"


        The audience in front of the TV was constantly questioning.

        Even the Bai family had no confidence in this guy who looked like Lin Fan.

        They also believed that Lin Fan was forcing his face at this moment, and was acting to maintain his ridiculous dignity.


        Lin Fan didn't care what the audience thought.

        He held in his hand a mill-needle prepared by Gao Lao, and then said indifferently.

        "Wind pools in the sky, irrigation springs!"

        "Three Yin Destinies, go Guan Yuan!"

        "Taixi Tanzhong, Lockhegu!"

        "The Great Vertebrate Wind House, all open faces!"

        With Lin Fan's words, his palm was like lightning, picking up needle after needle from the old man's pallet, and then stabbing down on the old man's acupoints one after another.

        The hand technique was pure fire!

        The strength was incomparably precise.

        And when Lin Fan's words were coupled with this set of acupuncture point techniques, Gao Lao's entire body trembled as if he had thought of something.

        "Is this the ...... Sanjiu White Bone Acupuncture Technique?"

        Gao Lao's eyes almost fell out.

        He heard clearly that the recipe Lin Fan was reciting was the name of one acupoint after another.

        Wind Pond Point, Gushing Spring Point, Guan Yuan Point ...... and so on!

        In particular, as each needle fell, it was as if Gao Lao saw a stream of air flowing through the old man's body through the needles.

        It was shocking.

        Due to the angle, all the spectators may not be able to see clearly.

        But Gao Lao really saw that after the acupuncture points were pierced one by one, the age spots on the old man's face slowly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

        The dead air between his eyebrows began to gradually disperse.

        Even the sleeping face seemed to be several years younger.

        This ...... is simply like a divine art.


        Gao Lao's body was trembling with excitement at this moment.

        Thirty-nine White Bone Needle Technique ah!

        This is the divine skill of the White Bone Sage, who has been praised as a god by all the medical leaders in the world.

        Gao Lao had never thought that he would be lucky enough to see it with his own eyes.

        At this moment, he was staring at Lin Fan's movements and didn't dare to blink his eyelids.

        It was as if he was watching a divine technique!

        Filled with awe and solemnity!


        At that moment, Lin Fan's last needle pierced the old man's Wind Pond acupuncture point.

        After finishing this, Lin Fan let out a long sigh of relief.

        For him, this set of needles hadn't been used for several years, and it was a bit hard to use it right now.

        "Alright! The treatment is complete, wait fifteen minutes, you can start the needle."

        Lin Fan was not interested in stopping here.

        After all, he had to go back to make lunch.

        After saying that, he walked straight towards the door.

        And at this moment, Gao Lao finally sobered up from the shock of the needle technique just now, and then poof, he fell straight to the ground on his knees at Lin Fan's departing figure.

        "Thank you Dr. Lin for teaching the divine skill, I am very grateful!"

        And then, he even kowtowed to Lin Fan's figure.


        When the door of the treatment room closed, Lin Fan's figure disappeared.

        In front of the TV, everyone in the audience, boomed, completely boiling.

        What happened?


        All of them never expected that the so-called Lin Shen doctor would be as fierce as a tiger in one operation, then pat his buttocks and walk away directly.

        What was even more unimaginable to them was!

        The number one herbalist in the city of Jiang, even took the other's acupuncture technique as a divine skill, and even directly kowtowed in gratitude.

        This fucking ......

        Everyone was confused.

        Sitting in front of the TV, you looked at me, I looked at you, they didn't understand what was going on, and they couldn't understand what Gao was doing.

        Only, little by little, time passed.

        When fifteen minutes had slipped by and Gao Lao had pulled out all the needles!

        The scene that followed was like seeing a ghost for the entire audience.

Chapter 96

The Belvedere!

        The Bai family was equally dumbfounded when they saw on the live feed that after Dr. Lin had inserted the milli-pin, they patted themselves on the back and left straight away.

        "He ...... walked away?" Bai Shan's face was full of dismay.

        This was the first time he had ever seen a scene where, halfway through the treatment, the attending doctor patted his butt and walked away.

        "This doctor, surnamed Lin, is a liar, right? What kind of person just walks away in the middle of treatment and leaves the patient here!" Shen Yumei's face was equally filled with shock and anger.

        And Bai Yi.

        After seeing that Gao Lao had even kowtowed to the back of the departing Doctor Lin, her beautiful eyes also flashed with intense incredulity.

        "No, Gao Lao is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, how can ordinary people fool him?"

        Baiy's words suddenly silenced the White Mountain couple.


        Gao Lao is known as the first Chinese doctor in Jiang City, and he is not a three-year-old child, so how could he be easily deceived by an outsider?

        But if he wasn't deceived, then wouldn't that mean that Dr. Lin really had an unimaginable, yet unknown, miraculous skill?

        Just how is this possible!

        Not only that!

        Bai Yi had one more thought that she didn't say.

        For some reason, after seeing the image of Gao Lao kneeling and kowtowing to Doctor Lin, her mind unconsciously recalled the image in the parking lot yesterday.

        Yesterday, it seemed that Gao Lao was also kowtowing to Lin Fan.

        Wasn't there some connection?

        And just as Bai Yi was contemplating.

        Suddenly, the scream of Shen Yumei beside him, resounded.

        "Oh my God, you guys, look!"


        This scream caused Bai Yi and Bai Shan to be slightly stunned, and then they hurriedly looked towards the live feed.

        Suddenly they saw that Gao Lao had removed the single millipin as many times as he could.

        And just after the last millipin was pulled out!


        The old man, who was as angry as a thread, suddenly opened his eyes!



        In the Western medical operating room, the operation was still going on smoothly.

        Mike's forehead was dense and covered with sweat.

        The assistant physician beside him, hurriedly wiped him, almost everyone's face, with a trace of joy.

        Because the surgery was about to be successful.

        "As long as the little blood clot left is removed, our operation will be a success!"

        Mike finished speaking to the crowd.

        He carefully controlled the tweezers and slowly probed out to the location of the blood clot.

        His palm, smooth and strong, quickly caught the blood clot, and then slowly removed it.



        At this moment, all the surrounding assistant physicians, after seeing the last blood clot removed, everyone's heart was relieved, and every face was filled with intense joy.

        The success of this operation represented their terrifying record of thirteen consecutive victories in the Chinese medical world.

        It could be said that this was an all-round crushing of Western medicine on Chinese medicine.

        Everyone, at this moment, wanted to applaud and celebrate.

        But right at this moment!


        An ear-splitting tone rang out, causing Mike and his team to turn pale.

        To their dismay, they discovered that the ECG, which had been steady and strong, was emitting a violent fluctuation.

        That is to say, the heart of Old Master Bai was in a state of flux.

        Old Master Bai's heart was beating at an accelerated rate, and his bodily functions had fallen into a state of self-protection.

        "Not good! Damn, what's going on? How could the patient's body fall into a self-protective mechanism when the operation had already been successful!"

        At this moment, Mike's face turned pale and white.

        During the operation, the patient's body was caught in a self-protective mechanism, that is, the patient's organs would soon fall into a state of exhaustion, and even more terrifying, the patient could die at any time!

        Sure enough!

        Mike and the others saw that the EKG went into a violent fluctuation, and then the waves went into an extremely slow state.

        This meant that Old Master Bai's heartbeat began to become extremely weak and slow, and death was getting closer and closer.

        "Mike, the patient's body organs, began to fail!"

        This one sentence, moreover, made Mike look like a dead man.

        "In this state, how many days can he ...... survive?"

        "Three days!"

        The assistant's response made Mike's body tremble, as if struck by lightning.