His True Colors Chapter 2969

 Confusion was written in Han Qianqian's eyes, could it be that he was dead?

        But if he was dead, how could the Five Elements Divine Stone heal himself? And how could he really feel its healing?

        Could it be that he had been brought by the Green Stream to one of the cells where the monster was holding him?

        The appearance looked extremely similar, but there was an unexplainable fact that if he was imprisoned, that guy would be so kind as to heal himself?

        Did he want to heal himself and then torture him? Although that made sense, there was one thing that didn't make sense again.

        How did that monster know about the Five Elements Divine Stone? And how did he know how to use it? And would its power make the Five Elements Divine Stone work?

        Each of these three questions was very unlikely, but when combined together, the possibilities were almost non-existent.

        So what was this all about?

        Han Qianqian was also confused and dismayed, and his whole heart was in a state of panic in this dark environment.

        But just as Han Qianqian was at a loss for words, suddenly, a flash of incredible surprise fiercely appeared on Han Qianqian's face, and in the next second, his entire person's worry and confusion began to turn into dismay and surprise.

        It was familiar, familiar, very familiar.

        It was only because he had just woken up as well as his uncertainty about his surroundings, in order to make Han Qianqian's entire person not notice the details for a while. Now, once he thought about it, he seemed to understand where he was at once.

        "No way, no way, no fucking way?"

        "I've been fucking nailed again?" Han Qianqian was slightly agitated, shaking his head while he seemed to be frantically self-assured, as if the answer was the happiest thing in his heart if it wasn't denied.

        When he thought of this, Han Qianqian smiled faintly, and immediately afterwards he sat up in place with unbridled excitement.

        This guy was actually practicing unbelievably.

        Perhaps this was an extreme thing in other people's eyes, but a slight smile appeared on Han Qianqian's face.

        That's right, that's right, that's the feeling, that's the familiar formula, that's the familiar taste.

        Han Qianqian couldn't help but increase the speed of his dantian operation, like a wailing child, frantically sucking in everything around him.

        And in the darkness at this moment, an imperceptible gas was flowing rapidly towards Han Qianqian.

        And almost at that moment on the periphery, the green stream was still moving wildly, its current as fast as a dragon. With the added mass and speed, the force generated by the current was almost equivalent to a giant mountain slamming into it, and anything in the water would be strangled into pieces in an instant.

        Even the evil Taotie, at this point in the green stream is extremely difficult, four claws snapped into the wall of flesh, a large mouth also desperately biting on a piece of flesh, but even so, the body is directly in the water crazy floating, as if at any time this water will be directly taken away in a wave.

        What is even more frightening is that the force of the current has caused almost all the damage to the Evil Unicorn's body, long wounds have been pulled open all over its body, and the armour protecting its limbs has been pulled apart, revealing the sinewy skin that connects the armour to the muscles, just like a man's fingernails turning out.

        Not to mention the person in the room, even a bystander at this time to see these also hard for the evil taotie feel the pain of flesh.

        "Hmph, the Evil Taotie? I don't know if you're real, or not. But that doesn't matter anymore." The ethereal voice recalled again, full of mockery.

        "If you were fake, killing you to get rid of the evil would naturally be the right thing to do."

        "But if you are real, then it doesn't matter, anyway, you are already a human's lapdog, not worthy of being any ancient fierce beast, kill you, and I can still take your place on the demon fierce beast list."

        "Haha, hahahahahaha, come on, let you feel the impact of an even more massive death."

        The words fell, the already fierce water flow at this time the speed became even faster, and the already faltering Evil Taotie at this time the situation is even more critical, even dead into the flesh wall of the sharp claws, at this time also began to crack ......


        The armour on all four limbs finally fell apart, ripping raw flesh from all four of its knees and sending it away with the waves, as the Evil Taotie's mouth opened in agony and roared ......


        There was another loud bang, and the claws burst apart, the entire huge body of the Evil Taotie was knocked over and was about to be carried away by the wave, when suddenly, the fierce current suddenly stopped ......

        A figure, at this time blocked in front of the evil taotie...