His True Colors Chapter 2531

 "I'm going out for a while." Han Qianqian said.

        When they heard Han Qianqian's words, the crowd froze, and Dagger Twelve wanted to ask Han Qianqian where he was going at this late hour, but he was stopped by Mo Yang.

        When one is a brother, one shouldn't ask this and that, silent support, that would be right.

        "Is it to the top of the Blue Mountain over there?" Jiang Hu Bai Xiao Sheng picked up the map, stood up and walked to Han Qian Qian's side.

        Han Qianqian nodded, "Lu Ruoxin asked me out and had to go."


        "I've seen the map, and when we travel to the Forbidden Land of the Dead, we will pass through Immortal Spirit Island, so when you set off, we will also set off and wait for you at Immortal Spirit Island." Jiang Hu Bai Xiao Sheng said.

        Han Qianqian nodded, after a long time together, the tacit understanding was already complete, and he hardly needed to say much himself, Jiang Hu Bai Xiao Sheng's arrangement was already what he had in mind.

        With a movement of his hand, Han Qianqian gently lowered the corpse of Fu Mang on his back, then wrapped him in a faint layer of energy: "It's a long journey, so be careful. If nothing happens, I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

        "There is a road map of our route on it, you can always follow the route way to find us if you are free." Jiang Hu Bai Xiao Sheng said, handing the map into Han Qian Qian's hands, then smiled gently, "Don't worry, it's fine, there are disciples from Tian Gui Palace on the road with us."

        Han Qianqian nodded, the people from the Tiangui Palace might not be able to fight against the people from the Blue Mountain Pavilion, but for the most part, with their ability to deal with the others, they would have little problem.

        "Lin Long!"

        "Three thousand."

        "Protect everyone, it's been hard on you for such a long time." Han Qianqian smiled faintly at Lin Long.

        "Fuck off, don't give me that melodramatic speech!" Lin Long scolded with a soft laugh.

        Han Qianqian nodded, glanced at Mo Yang and the others, and then at all his brothers, turned around and walked out of the cave and into the forest where darkness was beginning to envelop.


        The tent at the top of the Blue Mountain was lit up with lights, especially in the main tent, where all sorts of maids were constantly coming and going, carrying in their hands all kinds of exotic fruits or colourful delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

        Inside the tent, Lu Ruoxin is dressed up, her already stunning face in green gauze, both immortal and cold, but with a bit more playfulness and cuteness, really fascinating to look at and dumbfounding to see.

        Next to her, Fang Kun is on the right with a few of his cronies, while the Seventh Elder and a few elite disciples are on the left, but the first position on Lu Ruoxin's left hand is empty.

        And to her right, Han Nian was sitting very well behaved, eating something.

        Gently taking a sip of the small wine, Lu Ruoxin's moving eyes lifted slightly and looked out of the tent.

        The seventh elder shook his head with a helpless bitter smile, his own young lady was also counted as having grown up under his own watch, and she, who had always been high and cold, turned out to be like a girl from an ordinary family, who would also be eagerly waiting for her lover.

        "It's already the forty-fourth time." The Seventh Elder laughed gently and said quietly.

        Hearing the Seventh Elder's jibe, Lu Ruoxin did not have any expression on her face and said blandly, "Can't you see that Nian'er misses her father? I am not a cold-blooded and heartless person!"

        The Seventh Elder gently took a sip of wine and smiled as he said no more.

        "Young warrior Han has arrived."

        At this moment, the voice of a servant outside the tent suddenly announced, although being stared at by the Seventh Elder, Lu Ruoxin hurriedly tidied up her appearance, and then felt that it was almost time, before sitting down.

        Soon, as the curtain was pulled aside, Han Qianqian's handsome figure walked in.

        Although her face was unperturbed, the moment she saw Han Qianqian appear, Lu Ruoxin knew that her heart was still very happy.

        "Hmph, those of us who wipe other people's asses for them are back, but some of us are late to the party, the rack is really not small." As soon as he saw Han Qianqian, Fang Kun immediately said in a cold and dissatisfied voice.

        Han Qianqian swept a glance at him, but didn't take a general view of him, he was here because of Lu Ruoxin's order, and only wanted to know what Lu Ruoxin wanted, as for people like Fang Kun he had little interest.

        Besides, when Han Nian saw Han Qianqian coming, she was already jumping up and down from her seat and jumping into Han Qianqian's arms, so he didn't have the heart to care about anyone else.

        The two fathers and daughters embraced each other, and immediately afterwards, Han Qianqian hugged Nian'er in his own arms.

        "Sit!" Lu Ruoxin glanced at the seat next to her and said in a soft voice.

        Han Qianqian did not say anything, and silently came to the seat she pointed out, then sat down.

        Lu Ruoxin raised her glass and said, "This thousand-mile expedition, although there were changes in the plan, but overall, the result was good, I would like to toast everyone, all of you have worked hard."

        The crowd hurriedly raised their glasses in return, and then waited for Lu Ruoxin to drink before they tilted their heads and drank their own wine one by one.

        Han Qianqian hesitated for a moment before also tilting his head and drinking his own wine.

        "Why are you so sullen? Still upset about me scolding you this afternoon?" Lu Ruoxin, this fickle woman, seemed to be in a good mood at the moment, smiling mysteriously, followed by, "I'll give you a gift that you'll be very happy about."

        After saying that, she clapped her hands ......