A Reincarnation Chapter 467-468

 Chapter 467

The barbecue owner finished the fish and Chen Xiaonuo selfishly gave a head to Ball, Huang Meilin got the tail, and the best meat of her own fish went to her.

        Ball already liked the head of the fish, and Huang Meilin couldn't possibly compete with a child for food, so they both didn't protest.

        After eating the barbecue, Chen Xiaonuo took Huang Meilin to go shopping in Chenjia Village, which is now very prosperous and where you can buy basically everything. Huang Meilin is now also a rich person, she bought a whole lot of things back, even Chen Xiaonuo, who is only four years old, has bags hanging all over her.

        Today was Huang Mei Lin's happiest day. After dinner, she went up to the rooftop with Chen Hao Xuan and the girls, and when he saw the night view of Chen's village, she was fascinated by it. In the darkness of the night, the whole village was colourful, and if she could stay alone with Chen Hao Xuan, it must have been a Lang roaming night.

        Chen Haoxuan and the others are on the loose, unaware that there is a conspiracy waiting for him. Abel from the MiG's Secret Service has now left the Secret Service, she also took three senior agents with her. She had a very big and dangerous mission to do this time, and they chose to resign in order not to drag the Secret Service down with them. If they succeeded, they would be in a higher position than before, and although they would no longer be able to answer to the Secret Service, they would be able to enjoy the glory and wealth that their country offered them.

        Their mission this time is the same as before, yes, it is Chen Hao Xuan, they will use the most despicable way to get all the technology they want from Chen Hao Xuan, and then kill him in the process.

        Chen Haoxuan, they could not beat, and because of that they used the most despicable method, the method was Chen Haoxuan's weaknesses, his children, and as long as they grabbed one of them, it was equivalent to nailing Chen Haoxuan's dead center.

        They are now targeting Chen Haoxuan's eldest daughter Chen Xiaonuo. They know that Chen Haoxuan's daughter Chen Xiaonuo goes out to play all day and has no bodyguards around, which is very advantageous to them, so this time, they will kidnap Chen Xiaonuo as their main target, and then threaten Chen Haoxuan with Chen Xiaonuo.

        On Chen Hao Xuan's side, Huang Meilin went home the next day, and while she was home, Abel and the girls arrived. Although they are now in China, they can still get a lot of information they want, and this time they got the news they wanted most: Chen Hao Xuan is going to attend his pupil Huang Meilin's piano recital tomorrow night. Chen Haoxuan is not in Chen's village, so they have a better chance of catching Chen Xiaonuo.

        Ai Beier and the girls were agents, and high-level ones at that, so they wouldn't be like ordinary kidnappers who would just grab and run when they wanted to. They couldn't do that because they couldn't fail. If they failed, they would be finished and the Secret Service would not let them live in this world.

        Abel and the girls observed the terrain of Chen's village and planned several escape routes. At the same time, they used the large sum of money to get a rice merchant to advertise and sell electrical appliances in Chen's village. This was a front, an excuse for them to have this rice merchant selling electrical appliances in Chen's village, so that they would have an excuse to invite a large number of performers to warm up the stage, which would attract many people to come and watch, among which could be Chen Xiaonuo.

        After all, it was night time, and adults don't usually allow children to go out at night, and children don't usually like to go out at night, so they needed to attract Chen Xiaonuo out.

        If they succeeded, they would be written into history. Although their actions were despicable, their efforts would make the MiG a leading nation in technology again, but that was only possible if they succeeded, if they failed, their names would be remembered for years to come.

        By mid-afternoon, Abel had the businessman they had hired to sell his appliances and had the performers start their show. There was something new to see, and it was only a matter of time before thousands of people were watching the performers.

        At 3pm, Chen Haoxuan came out and drove out with a few bodyguards. This made Ai Beier almost laugh out loud, Chen Hao Xuan was their most feared enemy, as long as Chen Hao Xuan was not there, even if those bodyguards of his were powerful, it was useless, as they believed that wisdom was the most powerful.

        Chen Xiaonuo, she ran out to play after she finished her noon meal, she heard that there was a performance inside the village, so she ran back to the village to watch the performance. Ai Beier and the girls did not expect Chen Hao Xuan to go out so early, if they had known this, they would not have arranged for someone to perform in the village, because just now Chen Xiao Nuo was playing by the river, there were many tourists by the river, but even more than that, there were not as many as in the village, if it was outside, they would not have had to bother so much, and it was not so dangerous.

        Chen's village was patrolled by Chen Hao Xuan's bodyguards and it was dangerous to catch Chen Xiaonuo in the village. To increase their success rate, they made those performing stop and had a dozen of them dance a dragon and head outside the village. They were sure that a child as fun-loving as Chen Xiaonuo would follow.

        Yes, Chen Xiaonuo did follow, as did a group of Chen Xiaonuo's children, and basically none of the adults. When they arrived at the river, Abel waved her hand and two of them, who were dancing with the dragon, suddenly lunged at Chen Xiaonuo's position with a sudden move of their hands against the dragon's roots.

        Chen Xiaonuo was bouncing and running after the dragon dancers, when she saw the people who were just dancing with the dragon suddenly running towards her, she stopped in her tracks, her big eyes blinking as she saw the two people running towards her, and said with her mouth, "Are they going to perform something strange again?"

        Abel's man was successful, his man ran up to Chen Xiaonuo, quickly hugged her and ran, Chen Xiaonuo didn't scream and neither did the children who had followed her to see the dragon dance, well! They just didn't get it.

        When Abel saw that her men had managed to catch Chen Xiaonuo, she nodded her left shoulder with her right hand, then her right shoulder, then her forehead, and with her palms together, she exclaimed, "Thank God, thank the Lord, our country of Rice is saved."

        Chen Xiaonuo, who was being held by Abel's men, was very uncomfortable because Abel's men were afraid that Chen Xiaonuo would run away and hugged Chen Xiaonuo tightly, which hurt and made Chen Xiaonuo very uncomfortable. So Chen Xiaonuo protested loudly, saying, "Uncle, put Xiaonuo down quickly, you are hurting Xiaonuo with your hug."

Chapter 468

The person holding Chen Xiaonuo had one hand free to pull out a piece of cloth from his own pocket and roughly stuffed it into Chen Xiaonuo's mouth. Chen Xiaonuo now felt fear, and she struggled desperately, with a whimpering sound coming out of her mouth.

        Ball, who had stayed on Chen Xiaonuo's shoulders even when Abel's men grabbed Chen Xiaonuo, did not shake him off. Although his current IQ was only that of a human child of a few years old, he could see that Chen Xiaonuo was being held reluctantly by others, which he would not allow, as Chen Haoxuan had told him that he must protect Chen Xiaonuo and not let others bully her.

        So the ball climbed up onto the neck of the person holding Chen Xiaonuo, and his two front paws desperately clawed at the neck of Chen Xiaonuo's bad guy. Abel's man felt a sharp pain coming from his neck, a pain that forced him to immediately drop Chen Xiaonuo, stop and reach out to grab - for what was grabbing his neck.

        Chen Xiaonuo fell to the ground and she sat up, her small hands ripping the cloth out of her mouth and crying out with a wail, her tears streaming down her face in a pitiful manner.

        "Quick, help me get the thing that's around my neck." Abel's man yelled at his accomplice.

        "No, Boss Ai has instructed us that there can be no accumulation in this operation, so you can handle it yourself! I want to take Chen Xiaonuo away immediately." Ai Beier's henchman said as he quickly ran towards Chen Xiaonuo.

        Although Ball he desperately tried to grab the bad guy who had just hugged Chen Xiaonuo, he saw another man trying to grab Chen Xiaonuo, he immediately ran back to Chen Xiaonuo's side to protect Chen Xiaonuo.

        Abel's men didn't have the little thing called a ball in their sights, and Abel's men still ran towards Chen Xiaonuo.

        Chen Xiaonuo, she saw that Ball was back and her guts seemed to have grown, she cried out to Ball who was standing on her shoulder, "Ball, Xiaonuo hates them, you should help Xiaonuo teach them a lesson."

        Ball must listen to Chen Xiaonuo's words. After spending so much time with Chen Xiaonuo, Ball has already regarded Chen Xiaonuo as her elder sister, although Ball is older than Chen Xiaonuo, but it can't be helped! Although Ball is older than Chen Xiaonuo, he can't help it! Who made Ball a mouse and naturally his IQ is not as high as Chen Xiaonuo's, so he always treats Chen Xiaonuo as his sister. When his sister was bullied, he, as a younger brother, had to stand up for her.

        He jumped onto the bad guy's head and clawed it desperately. Ball was not an ordinary mouse, he would claw it so hard that even the skin and flesh would be taken off. Now Ball seemed mad as he clawed desperately at the bad guy's head, the bad guy's scalp was now gone in a miserable way. With a loud bang, Ebelle's man fell to the ground with a crash, dead.

        From a distance Ebelle took it all in, she had only brought out three of her men this time and now one was dead and one was injured, if she kept losing people like this she would hardly be able to complete this mission.

        Abel pulled out her silencer-equipped pistol and ran towards Chen Xiaonuo, she had seen the danger of the ball and she was going to take it out and run away with Chen Xiaonuo in her arms.

        Abel's Secret Service, in the Secret Service, were all marksmen, she ran next to Chen Xiaonuo and immediately fired at Ball. With a bang, Ball's was sent flying, he screamed miserably, and in mid-air Ball spat a few mouthfuls of blood, Ebelle's bullet was now lodged in Ball's stomach, half of the bullet was already lodged in Ball's stomach, it looked so miserable.

        Ball was too small and the speed of the bullet hitting him was too fast, so Chen Xiaonuo didn't know that Ball had been hit by the bullet, after she dried her tears, she found that Ball was no longer there, she immediately shouted loudly, "Ball, Ball ......."

        Aibel quickly took out a cloth, which was a piece of sticky ether, and as soon as she covered Chen Xiaonuo's mouth, Chen Xiaonuo whimpered twice and passed out. Aibel hurriedly hugged Chen Xiaonuo and ran, as for her men, if they died, they died, as long as she could complete this mission, it was worth it to die as many as possible.

        The man whom the ball had first attacked was now on the ground in a faint, his neck had been scratched off by the ball and so much flesh had fallen by the wind that if he was not taken to the hospital, he would not see the sun tomorrow.

        After ten minutes, a miracle happened, the ball did not die, he staggered to his feet, he looked around and did not find Chen Xiaonuo, he was anxious, Chen Xiaonuo must have been just those bad guys captured, so he forced the pain to go home. Ball, who had previously been an animal used by Chen Hao Xuan for experiments, had endured much worse pain, so he was able to endure it.

        When Ball reached the door, he couldn't run anymore. He chattered and screamed to the bodyguard at the door. The bullet was not something that ordinary people could have. Chen Xiaonuo must have been in danger, otherwise how could the ball have been shot, and the ball would not normally leave Chen Xiaonuo.

        "Xiao Wu, hurry up and take Ball to the hospital, make sure you save him, I'm going to inform everyone to save Xiao Nuo right now." A bodyguard anxiously said to his companion.

        The one called Xiao Wu didn't say anything, and gently picked up Ball with both hands and ran towards the hospital.

        The other bodyguard, running back to the villa, shouted loudly, "Something's wrong, gather everyone, something's wrong ......."

        Jiang Dong, who stayed in the villa, took less than a minute for them to gather. "What's happened." Lin Hao asked seriously to the bodyguard guarding the door.

        "Ball was shot in the stomach by some guy with a gun, and has now been taken to the hospital by Xiao Wu to treat himself. I suspect that Xiao Nuo has met a bad guy, Captain, let's go and save Xiao Nuo!" The bodyguard said to Lin Hao anxiously.

        Hearing his subordinate's words, Lin Hao felt fear and guilt in his heart, their mission was to protect Chen Hao Xuan's family, they ate Chen Hao Xuan's, used Chen Hao Xuan's, spent Chen Hao Xuan's, lived in Chen Hao Xuan, even their current strength was given to them by Chen Hao Xuan, but what did they do for Chen Hao Xuan? It seemed that nothing had been done, so he felt guilty.

        "Do you know where Xiao Nu is now?" Lin Hao asked anxiously.

        "I don't know, but when she went out just now - she said she was going to see a show, I think he's at one of those places that just came to perform in Chen's village." The bouncer replied.

        "Leave ten men behind, everyone else come with me, make sure you arrest anyone you come across who is suspicious, and if the other person resists violently, shoot to kill." Lin Hao said loudly.