A Reincarnation Chapter 301-303

 Chapter 301

"Ebelle. I didn't expect you to be such a person, you tricked me into coming here for money and got my fifteen high ranking ninja kil led, if I make it back alive, I will definitely report to my superiors and then our relationship between the island and Rice will not be as close as before." Mieko said coldly to Ebelle.

        "Ai Beier, what are you waiting for, hurry up and tie her up, I don't have time to watch you act." Chen Haoxuan's impatient voice came from inside the room.

        "Chen Hao Xuan, you bas ta rd, you want us to ki ll each other, we won't fall for your trick." Ai Beier cursed loudly.

        "Ai Beier, you should know that I am a person with limited patience, if you haven't tied up Miezi after five minutes, then you should not come out and become my captives together!" Chen Haoxuan said coldly.

        Chen Hao Xuan he was in the living room, watching the computer video screen and heckling! He originally wanted to capture all of them and hand them over to the police, and let Li Deli take credit for them. But his plans changed when he saw Mieko was there, he wanted to make Mieko and Abel enemies of each other, then he, who was their common enemy, would turn out to be an irrelevant passer-by.

        It was better than offending both of them at the same time, because Chen Hao Xuan knew that even if he sent Ai Beier and the others to the police, the police would quickly release them, after all, they were all rare talents and their country would find a way to protect their lives.

        "I'm not cooperating with you, you need to stop lying to Mieko." Ebelle exclaimed.

        "Ebelle, I am disappointed in you, I thought we would have many more opportunities to work together, but I have changed my mind now. Mieko, do you want to work with me? As long as you work with me, you can get anything you want, money, technology, talent, martial arts ......." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "I promise you, you won't ki ll me, will you?" Miezi was still a bit convinced.

        "If you promise me, you're my partner, how could I ki ll you! If I were to ki ll you, I would have to ki ll the traitor that is Ai Beier!" Chen Haoxuan sneered.

        "How can I believe your words." Miezi said coldly.

        "You'll believe it soon enough." Chen Haoxuan said.

        Chen Haoxuan walked into the basement, he took a silver needle and woke up each ninja, after all of them woke up, Chen Haoxuan said to them, "Listen to me, I am now your boss's partner, your boss is in danger, she is being held hostage by Ebeier and her men inside my room, you go and save her quickly."

        "Baka, Ebelle the woman said she couldn't be trusted. Everyone's come with me to save the officer." Yamamoto-kun shouted to his partner.

        "In case Ebelle escapes, I will let you guys in and close the door, it's up to you if you can ki ll Ebelle to save your officer." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "Thank you Mr. Chen, from now on you are our friend from the island, if there is anything you need to do, just say the word and we will definitely help." Yamamoto-kun said seriously to Chen Haoxuan, if he knew that Chen Haoxuan was lying to them, I wonder if they would still say such things.

        "You guys go and save your boss!" Chen Haoxuan said.

        In Chen Haoxuan's room, Ai Beier and Miezi were watching out for each other when suddenly the door to the room was opened and Ai Beier said happily, "Miezi, the door to the room is open, let's escape."

        "Baka, can you escape? How dare you deceive us islanders, all of you must deceive and d i e." Yamamoto-kun and the fifteen of them blocked the doorway.

        At that moment, Chen Haoxuan's voice rang out again, "Mieko, do you really believe what I said? To convince you, I have released all your men."

        "It's-." Mieko hesitated, Ai Beier's identity was not simple either, and if the rice people knew that she had kil led Ai Beier, she would d i e a horrible death.

        Mieko's men all stepped into the narrow room, and as soon as they were inside, the door closed again.

        "Mieko, you have so many men now, why are you still afraid of her? Ki ll her and you can live! If you say no, I'll even work with Abel again, and if she doesn't agree either, then you'll all go to hell together!" Chen Haoxuan said.

        Then Chen Haoxuan added, "Yamamoto-kun, I can see that you like Miezi very much, to be honest, I quite envy you, the person you like is so beautiful and lovely, being a man, you should help her block the storm, go ahead! Go and ki ll Ebelle."

        "Ki ll." Yamamoto-kun roared and charged towards Ebel, and his mates followed him in droves.

        At that moment Chen Haoxuan suddenly shouted, "No, bad, the system is broken, Yamamoto-kun, hurry up and ki ll Ai Beier, soon the window at the top of the room will open and if she escapes, you and I will all be out of luck."

        Yamamoto-kun heard Chen Haoxuan's words and immediately accelerated her attack, Ebelle she still had a good head on her shoulders, she raised her gun and with a bang, the lights in the room were blown out by her, this plunged the room into darkness and nothing could be seen.

        A magnetic sound rang out and Abel's little brother number one suddenly shouted loudly, "Sir, quick, the window is open, get up here."

        "Don't let them get away, ki ll them." Yamamoto-kun roared loudly, he also knew Ai Beier's identity, in order not to leave unnecessary trouble for Miezi, you have to ki ll Ai Beier and then destroy the body, as long as Chen Hao Xuan didn't say anything, who would know that Ai Beier di ed in their hands.

        In order to live, Ai Beier can not care so much, she double gun flush, bang bang bang ......, double gun together to open a like a machine gun, bullets constantly spit out.

        Miezi, because the roof window has been opened, the sky has moonlight so the things in the room blurred can still be seen, she saw Aibel slaughtering her people, she could not hold back any longer, raised the pistol and fired, bang bang .......

        Poof, Aibel got a shot in the shoulder, Aibel hurriedly rolled towards the ground, number one and number three who were on top of the wardrobe had already climbed up to the roof, they saw their officer in danger and opened fire, in a flash, there was a very tragic scene in the narrow room, Mieko was dodging bullets, her men were being kil led by Aibel and them one by one.

        Ebelle she jumped so hard that her men reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her upwards, pulling Ebelle to the roof. "Mieko, you will pay a heavy price for what you have done today." The words Abel left behind on her deathbed.

        "Yamamoto-kun, Yamamoto-kun, are you still there?" In the darkness of the room, Mieko kept shouting.

        "Mieko, I'm still here." Yamamoto-kun said as he pushed aside the body of one of his partners. If he hadn't used his partner's body in time to deflect the bullets from Ebelle and the others, he might have been a dead body.

Chapter 302

At that moment. Chen Hao Xuan came, Chen Hao Xuan opened a small window on the door of the room and threw a torch and a small box inside, he said to Miezi, "Miezi, this is the torch, and the other box contains the most advanced technology, more advanced than what Abel stole from me. As for what to do with it, take your time to study it yourselves!"

        "Chen Haoxuan, what the hell do you have in mind? Why do you want to turn me and Abel against each other." Mei Hui Zi coldly said to Chen Haoxuan.

        "It's not what I have in mind, it's what she has in mind. She took the initiative to find and say that you were going to ki ll me, and he said that if I cooperated with her, she would help me trick you into coming here and then finish you off, and as a price, she could get 10 million RMB and an advanced computer technology from me. But I didn't think she would be willing to work with me anymore after she tricked you. I think she knew that I didn't ki ll your men, so she was worried that after I let your men out, your men would reveal the news and she was worried about her future, so she was unwilling to work with me.

        Only now do I realise that both you and I were tricked by her alone, which is why I chose to work with you later. Fortunately, you were smart enough that you chose to work with me in the end, and even though Ai Beier has escaped, as long as you continue to work with me, it would be impossible for her to ki ll us." Chen Haoxuan explained.

        "Alright! Whether what you say is true or not, as long as it's good for me, I'll believe it." Miezi said, they islanders were like that, it was normal to betray their friends for profit.

        "You take the stuff and go! Remember, carry away the bodies of your men when you leave, sigh-, being betrayed by your own friends and kil ling so many people, this woman Ai Beier is really not a good person." Chen Haoxuan sighed.

        With the torch, Mei Hui Zi could see the scene inside the room, she saw that only five of her men could stand up, she brought out fifteen experts when she came to Johor Bahru City, now she lost two-thirds of them at once, she was furious in her heart, she hated Ai Beier now, no matter if Ai Beier was collaborating with Chen Hao Xuan to harm her, she would not let Ai Beier go, because she saw Ai Beier ki ll her men with her own eyes.

        Her men would not have been that novice, but in the cramped room and there was no place to hide in the room, so when Ai Beier shot, her men had nowhere to hide, so they had to charge forward with their heads held high.

        "Chen Haoxuan, you open the door, I want to take our hero away." Mieko said to Chen Haoxuan, the heroes she was referring to were the ninjas who had died in battle.

        "Sorry, although we are now in a cooperative relationship, we are not very familiar with each other, so I dare not open the door, you should leave through the window inside the room!" Chen Haoxuan laughed lightly.

        "You-." Miezi was furious.

        "Mieko, Mr. Chen has a point, let's leave through the window!" Yamamoto-kun advised Mieko.

        You have to bow down in someone else's place! Mieko conceded. Mieko felt that Chen Haoxuan's decision was right, because if Chen Haoxuan did open the door to the room, she would definitely capture Chen Haoxuan, because there was too much at stake in Chen Haoxuan, and as long as she captured Chen Haoxuan alive, she would definitely be reappointed by the top brass when she returned.

        After Miezi and the others left, Chen Haoxuan closed the windows in the room again before daring to enter. He took all the intact things out of the room and put them away, leaving the useless ones in a mess in the living room.

        After rinsing it off, he also wiped the room with alcohol. Chen Hao Xuan was worried that Ai Beier's blood had some kind of infectious disease, for his safety, so he thought of using alcohol to disinfect it.

        Chen Hao Xuan now had the video of Ai Beier and the others stabbing him. As long as Ai Beier and the others dared to stab him again, he would send out the video of them stabbing him and then, Ai Beier and the others would be stigmatised by people all over the world.

        The next day, Chen Hao Xuan appeared at the University of Johor Bahru with a spring in his step, smiling at the sight of people and in a very happy mood.

        Yang Lin, who was smoking with his legs crossed in the security room at the entrance of the university, had a good relationship with Chen Hao Xuan and the security guards at the university because of Zhang Qing's relationship.

        When Yang Lin saw Chen Hao Xuan coming, he hurriedly ran out of the security room and walked next to Chen Hao Xuan, walking into the campus with Chen Hao Xuan. Yang Lin said to Chen Haoxuan, "Haoxuan, do you have something to be happy about? Tell me so that I can be happy too."

        Chen Haoxuan stuck his head into Yang Lin's ear and whispered, "Last night, I caught the two guys, Ai Beier and Mei Hui Zi, without much effort, even the men they brought with them were all caught by me."

        "Really? Hao Xuan, Brother Xuan, you're too good, you were able to catch so many experts by yourself, and you didn't have a single injury on you. By the way, what have you done with them now?" Yang Lin excitedly said to Chen Haoxuan, the identity of Ai Beier and the others, Chen Haoxuan did not tell him when he asked him to come over to help, but Chen Haoxuan told him that Ai Beier and the others were all experts and their identities were very powerful.

        "I let them go because their identities are special, even if I hand them over to the police, they will still come out quickly, and when they come out, they will definitely continue to find trouble with me, so for my safety, I designed them to turn against each other, and when they fight, they won't have time to care about me." Chen Haoxuan said with an evil smile.

        "Bull, what a bull, worthy of a billionaire." Yang Lin gave Chen Haoxuan a thumbs up and said in admiration.

        "That's for sure, if I didn't have a kind heart, if they dare to mess with me, I'd fix them to death." Chen Haoxuan said smugly.

        "Hao Xuan, when are you going to give me this method of dealing with your enemies?" Yang Lin looked at Chen Haoxuan with expectant eyes and said.

        "You should read more books like Sun Tzu's Art of War, and you will know it." Chen Haoxuan said with a smile.

        "You just punk people! There are many people who read Sun Tzu's Art of War, but I haven't seen many who are as good as you, taking care of so many experts by themselves." Yang Lin said.

        "Sun Tzu's Art of War and these books on warfare are of great use, and anyone who has read them is not necessarily very good because he doesn't know how to use them. I'll tell you honestly, I made a bewitching formation at my residence that incorporates modern technology, so I can eliminate them without having to move." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "Blended with modern technology, holy sh*t, a bull is a bull, specialising in things that others can't do." Yang Lin admired to Chen Haoxuan's five bodies, he thought it was possible for others to defeat Chen Haoxuan by fighting him hard, but as long as Chen Haoxuan wanted to play dirty, then others would be miserable, being kil led by dirty is considered lucky, being half dead and half alive is considered his bad luck to meet such a terrible person like Chen Haoxuan.

Chapter 303

Yang Lin followed Chen Haoxuan to Chen Haoxuan's class. According to him, if he spent more time with Chen Haoxuan, he might inadvertently learn Chen Haoxuan's skills.

        At 10 o'clock, Chen Haoxuan asked Yang Lin to call his friends and ask if Abel and the girls had come today.

        Yang Lin made a dozen calls in a row, even to the security guards at the entrance of Xinsan University, so it seems that his network is not small!

        In the classroom, Yang Lin sat next to Chen Hao Xuan, after he hung up the phone, he said to Chen Hao Xuan, "Hao Xuan, I asked many people and they all said they hadn't seen Ai Beier and Mei Hui Zi."

        "Oh, it seems that they are all worried that the other side will make a move." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "Turning enemies against each other, this ploy is too advanced." Yang Lin exclaimed.

        During the break between classes, Chen Haoxuan and Yang Lin walked out of the classroom and smoked in the corridor.

        Shen Ruyan, she came looking for Chen Haoxuan again, the students in Chen Haoxuan's class were not surprised, they were used to it!

        Shen Ruyan she saw Chen Hao Xuan smoking in the corridor, she walked over quickly and guiltily said to Chen Hao Xuan, "Sorry, we couldn't find out that person's information."

        "It's alright, I've already found out anyway, and it's taken care of the trouble for now." Chen Haoxuan smiled lightly and said.

        "Impossible, we couldn't even find out - how could you find out?" Shen Ruyan said in surprise, they had tried many methods, buying off the people in Rice*** and using hacking techniques to break into other countries to check but they couldn't, mainly because there were only photos and no names.

        "I have my ways, you guys can't check because your technology is too low." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "Can you tell me? I can get money to buy this technology from you." Shen Ruyan said expectantly, she thought that if Chen Haoxuan could give her this technology, then their Dragon Group would not have to be so troublesome if they wanted to look for people in the future.

        "I won't give it to you for now." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "You guys? Could it be that he knows my identity?" Shen Ruyan was secretly surprised in her heart.

        "Chen Haoxuan, let's find a place to talk properly, okay?" Shen Ruyan said to Chen Haoxuan, she wanted to find a safe place and ask Chen Haoxuan if he really knew her identity.

        "Sure! You lead the way." Chen Haoxuan said with a smile.

        Yang Lin had the good sense not to follow, Chen Haoxuan he followed Shen Ruyan to the side of the basketball court, they were surrounded by no one.

        Shen Ruyan wasn't afraid of the ground being dirty, he sat directly on the ground and Chen Hao Xuan followed suit. "What's the matter with finding me here?" Chen Haoxuan asked.

        "I'm asking you, you must be honest, do you already know my identity?" Shen Ruyan asked Chen Haoxuan seriously.

        "Yes." Chen Haoxuan replied.

        "How did you know?" Shen Ruyan asked.

        "You are the school flower, of course there will be many people to inquire about you, not only do I know, but almost all the students at Xinsan University know your identity." Chen Haoxuan said with a smile.

        "That's not what I'm talking about, you know, you tell me honestly, do you know or not?" Shen Ruyan couldn't help but grab Chen Haoxuan's arm.

        A couple who were in love near the basketball court saw this sight of Chen Haoxuan and the others, they were also gossip lovers and they used their mobile phones to take a picture of this sight of Shen Ruyan holding Chen Haoxuan's hand. The male said to her girlfriend, "Look at Shen Ruyan, she is holding onto Chen Haoxuan's arm, this is a sign that she doesn't want Chen Haoxuan to leave her, and look at her expression, she is holding her head up and looking deeply at Chen Haoxuan, this is a sign for Chen Haoxuan to kiss her."

        "Honey, you're so smart! You guessed all this." The female leaned on the male's arms and pouted.

        "That's for sure, if it wasn't awesome - would you like me?" The male was very fond of the female's compliment.

        On Chen Haoxuan's side, Chen Haoxuan said to Shen Ruyan, "Alright! Let me tell you, I've known your identity for a long time, you're a member of the Dragon Group, right! Your grandfather is ...... and your brother is ......."

        Ray and shock fusion is fearful surprise: "How did you know that, my identity is a secret file, no one else can read it, except for our Dragon Team members, no one else can see it no matter how high his position is too."

        "Have you forgotten that I am a computer expert? As long as it's the internet, there is no place that I, Chen Haoxuan, cannot go, you can think of it this way, in the internet I am the master." Chen Haoxuan said with confidence.

        "Since you already know who I am, let me tell you straight away - I came to the University of Johor Bahru for you, you are the most outstanding genius in our country, all the men you have trained are masters, and your business talent makes all businessmen sigh at themselves, in You are the most outstanding genius in our country. You have a strong body, no matter how many heavy injuries, as long as they are not fatal, you will be able to recover in a short time, your body is still invulnerable to ...... all kinds of poisons.

        The most important thing is that this is the age of the internet and your computer technology is so advanced, like you just said, in the internet you are the master, so our country needs you and the people need you. As per the protection of your safety, the top echelon of the country asked our Dragon Team to send someone to protect you, and that person is me.

        Now that you know who I am, then I'll simply say it straight, we want you to serve the country." Shen Ruyan said in a gushing voice.

        "It's great in China now! So it's no big deal if you don't need me." Chen Haoxuan smiled.

        "What's no big deal without you, it's a big deal, if you can pass on your knowledge to the people of China, then our country of China will become the most technologically advanced country in the world." Shen Ruyan said seriously to Chen Haoxuan.

        "I am still young and like to live a life of freedom for the time being, when I get tired of this life of freedom, I will go to you." Chen Haoxuan said.

        "How can you be so selfish? If you want money, just say so! We can all give it to you." Shen Ruyan said in an exasperated voice.

        "I'm selfish? Ohhh ...... I laugh, it's not like I owe the country anything, and I still pay millions and millions of taxes to the country every year, if I really want to say who owes who, I think the country owes me because I have helped the country share the employment problems of so many people, making millions of families clothe and feed themselves.

        Besides you should know how miserable I used to be, right? When I was incapable, why couldn't you guys help me? Now that I have the means to live like a rich man, you want me to work for you? How can I have time to get away with working for you? To put it badly, I feel that you guys just don't want me to have a good life." Chen Haoxuan said.